「 ♛ The Romantic & The Idol 」 » ❝최미라❞

The Romantic & Idol ♡ App Form

Everything about you~!

Username: FutureAngel

Profile link: [ 

How can I contact you?: Through PM or Twitter [ @AlwaysEunhyuk ]

How much do you go online?: 10, but still I have upcoming exam this week so maybe 5?


Character Information~!

Full Name: Choi Mira [ 최미라 ]

Nickname: N/A

Age: 23

Birthdate: 14 / 02 / 1990

Birthplace: Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood type: AB+


Ulzzang Name: Da In [ Gallery ]

Picture Links:


Back-up Ulzzang Name: Eun Gyeong [ Gallery ]

Picture Links: 



Overall personality: 

♥ » 「 m o r e  t h a n  w h a t  m e t  t h e  eyes    your first impression when meeting Mira must be shy, calm and composed. she looked arrogant at first, but actually, she is far from it. it's just because she is shy and awkward when she first met stranger. she doesn't talk much and prefer to stay shut up when she met someone new. she isn't the type that talk first and have the initiative to introduce herself around stranger. she interacts more with eye and her mind. she will bows deeply and introduce herself, then showing her classy lady smile to people she just met. she is really respectful towards everyone, even to the younger ones. her partner is not an exception, because her partner is older than her, she usually gave the prefix -ssi on their first meeting. she even went more awkward with the older ones. she isn't a fan of skinship either, that's why she is shy when meeting boys than girl. Mira has a warm aura when you first met her. somehow she shined with her charming smile and beautiful personality. she has the ability to make people wants to be friend with her and get close with her. that's her charm.

♥ » b r i g h t e r  t h a n  t h e  sun  —  inside, Mira is a warm hearted girl and really kind to everyone. she hates having enemy, even if it's just one. she try her best not to have any enemy by being kind to every single person that she knew. she loves to smile (not a creepy wide grin smile like Chanyeol but more like girly feminime smile) and making people happy. she felt happier when she could make someone happy too. she is really generous, she loves spending money to the poor people, people who needs money or saving it up (her money) in the bank. she is an open minded person. she doesn't mind getting critisize and really creative. she is a sweet kind of person. she could make you feel comfortable around her. she is a very good listener and her advices are always the best ones. she is uberly calm when solving problems; whether it's her friends problem or family, big or not, or even her own problem. many people went to ask for her advice. she is wide and smart; she often helps people with her critical minds. she isn't selfish at all. you could say if she is a simple and carefree person. she is like the energy source, sun.

♥ » 「 y o u   d o n ' t   k n o w   m e,  yet  — deep down there, she is a hardworking person. Mira is a family oriented person, she will do clearly anything, to protect her siblings, her partner, her father, her mother, basically everyone in her family. she isn't scared to face anything for her beloved ones sake. she is an outspoken and brave girl; she will said what is right and what is wrong with full of determination. she can be completely honest and typically impulsive and will regret it later since she can't like for God's sake. she is very lovable and extraordinary. she often thinking outside the bos. she do things well planned and full of calculating (people called her as Mira eomma for this. although she is an adventorous person that likes having adrenaline on her body, still, she doesn't like taking risks. se is bipolar, meant on one perspective, she is a total perfectionist and picky when it came to her family and her dearly beloved. she always wants the best for them. she is caring, she cared much about the other people than herself. again, she is rarely angry and almost never do in front of her family, siblings, friends, practically everyone that close to her.

♥ » 「 n o t   e v e r y o n e   i s   p e r f e c t, do they?  — although she may looks like a lazy and chic, very chic person, she is actually fell in love on doing house chores and has her own motherly insticts. still, she isn't a perfect. she has flaws too. first, she is strict and firm. she hates unrespectful people and she will scold you quiet terribly if you're wrong. she'll be a total honest and straightforward person. her words could hit you hard but she does it because she loved you, and cared for you. second, she is super over protective towards her treasured ones. it's her real natural traits. third, she isn't the type that could express herself easily like a maknae or choding. she gets awkward when she has to do skinship because she's just done it with people whom she is really really close to. she failed at aegyo either. but she could make funny, random jokes with her signature weird faces quite impressively. fourth, she is forgetful and quite clumsy. she is still trying to get over with this. fifth, she is stubborn, but she hold grudges truly well when she is having an argument. sixth, actually one of her biggest flaws is her insecurities or naiveness. she rarely showed this traits, though.

♥ » 「 b e t t e r  t h a n  i  k n o w myself  — as i said before, she trusted people too easily, and it sometimes could be her own boomerang, you could blamed her symphathicness for this. it makes her a gullible person. she easily cry or touched kind of person meaning that her heart deep down there is pure and innocent. her true personality is introverted. she hates having many friends and doesn't open up easily. she hates worrying people and often lied about her mood, conditions or time when she has problems. she is sensitive but never showed it. she doesn't want people to care about her because she hates the feeling. it makes her looked weak and she doesn't like it. anyway, she has good temper. it's a good trait especially because she has some hard to tell friend. she is obedient too, she never broke any rules in her life. she is down to earth, humble and modest. she often giving fan services, she often giving them her signatures, allowing them to take a picture, keep smiling and waving hands to the fans eventhough she is extremely tired and exhausted. no doubt she is known as the fan service queen. she is loyal and trustworthy with her friend. with all that she had, there is no reason why you can't fell in love with her.

♥ »  t o  s u m  i t  u p  s i n c e  i t  s e e m s  confusing  — she came of as a calmshy and composed person. she looked like an arrogant person at first but she will change your mind once she smiled and bowed when introduced herself shyly and with some nice attitude. inside, she is the type of person that caring and kind by being respectfulgenerousobedienthonest (real straightforward and blunt) and a good listenershe treasured her beloved ones rather than herself. thinking about people she loved first is always on her top priority. she is humble and has a warm aura that makes you wants to be with her. deep down, she is uberly naive and sensitive, she is introverted (hard to open up her true self with people) and often felt that she is a burden to everyone, which is completely wrong, making she is really symphatethicpessimist, quiet and actually needs friends that loved her and giving back the care that she has gave to people. when she is with her best friend, she'll become more cheerful and warm hearted. she open up more easily and will become her true self, telling them about her problems and become really different from the usual Mira. she hates making people worried about her and will stay shut up, giving her best smile eventhough she constantly having a mood swings, she just can't show it to people. with all the traits that she had, Mira is just real, really extraordinary.




  • Ribbon  She has that for ribbons. mostly on the pink ones. she usually used it for headbands or simple accessories
  • Books  — Who wouldn't love books? reading books gave off the typical calming feeling. beside, it make you smarter and more sensitive
  • Fall  — It's so fascinating seeing the brownish leaves falling beautifully to the ground, and the breezy wind that always been her favorite reason to love fall
  • Ballad  — This genre of music is the best. No exception for this fact
  • Chocolate  — Belgium and Swiss chocolate is too good to resist. The taste of chocolate it's just delicious and sweet. Even the smell never failed to make her nose cringe
  • Bubblegum  — Chewy but tasty and challenging at the same time
  • Cappucinno  — She is a celebrity now, she drank this to keep her awake and the taster is not that bad. In fact, the aroma is fantastic and the taste it's cool
  • Teddy Bear   She can't resist her love from them. She even has one huge teddy bear called Bonnie. She couldn't live without her Bonnie
  • Rillakuma   She has a full collection of this thing, you named it
  • City Lights  — It's always been a beautiful night view for every single of us, right? Not to forget if Seoul has the best city lights in the world, or she said
  • Rain  — The idol is hot whether the rain itself is too charming. The sound is soothing and calming
  • Camera  — She isn't fond with selcas but she loves camera or more like clicking the "snap" button would be the better definition




  • Stilettos  — It's hurting her feet. This type of high heels are so gross and painful to wear. Many people suffered with wearing it, but not with her
  • Cucumber  — She allergic to it. and she doesn't even know the reason why. Her face turned to bright red if she eats this
  • Chucky  — It's terrifying. She is over it
  • Mathematics  — It's never been 8 on her report. It's her weak subject and she doesn't like this subject either. She can't do Math for God sake
  • Betrayal  — No. Don't even think about it. Being betrayed could be the worst feeling on earth and she has experienced it. No need for second time for this
  • Cigarette(s) — Smoke and Cigar. They both related and the simple fact that you could die because of this is one on her main reason why she dislike it
  • Junk Food  — She has to maintain her body and eating junk food is always a no. It's clearly unhealthy
  • Neon Colours  — The colours reminds her of Elvis Presley and Stevie Wonder era. Beside, 70's era is definitely not her style
  • Alcohol — Alcoholic beverages? Not a fan. She can stand wine since she loves wines but it's a different case with the others
  • Being Sick  — No! She wants to keep healthy. Being sick and she hates the feeling of it. Beside, her movement is much less limited rather than when she is on a good condition
  • Waking Up Late  — She is an early bird, she almost never wake up below 5 AM. She loves morning exercises and waking up late totally ruined her day
  • Glitter  — She thinks it's odd and too glamorous. Glamorous things is basically not on her dictionary because of her simple and chic taste on fashion


  • Walking  She loves walking. Wandering around seoul, seeing seoul city lights, and including taking a quick walk in a park or jogging in the morning is her hobby. She loves walking with her sneakers and walking keeps her healthy. She couldn't stand a day without moving her legs.
  • Stargazing  I don't know if it counts as a hobby or not, but she really likes stargazing or maybe seeing stars in the light while lying on her apartment roof. The view of the stars in the sky is always been a fascinating sight for her, and she couldn't help herself but thinking how beautiful is this galaxy and everything in it.
  • Reading  It's always been her thing on the free time, or to spend her quality time to entertain herself with books. She has any kind of books, poems, fairytales, romance, comedy, fantasy, action, angst, clearly everything, but she fell in love with Self Improvement ones. She has a goal to read at least one book everyday.
  • Ice Skating — Being in the ice rink it's her dream when she was little. It's then really do come true when she became a professional figure skater and a 3 times (2008, 2009, 2011) World Champion. She couldn't live without her figure skating shoes. She loves ice skating as much as she loves herself and her family.
  • Riding A Bike [ Cycling ]  This is just another sports that she fell in love with aside from Figure Skating. She likes to ride a bike on the summer or fall, seeing the brown-ish leaves fall out from the tree. Riding a bike it's just a favorite. She occasionally ride a bike in Han river to enjoy to keep her body healthy in a fun way if she has time.
  • Baking — Chocolate. This is related to chocolate. Since her partner already now how to cook she prefer to do the pastry thing instead. She is really good at making cakes and all sort of cupcakes, her specialty is on her cookies though. She might be not the best cook, but her homemade cookies have a really good taste for you to try it.
  • Doing House Chores  Many people hates doing this kind of thing, but Mira enjoys it as much as she enjoys doing her other hobbies. Laundry, mopping, cleaning room, washing dishes and other house chores is always done by herself. Sometimes her partner or love interest would help, but she likes to do it by herself since for her, doing house chores it's like releasing her stress and anger on it & she give some extra effort when doing them.
  • Photography  She likes taking photos, and making a scrapbook from it. Now, she is thinking to capturing her important and precious moments with her love interest and putting and arranging it on a scrapbook, made by herself. She is the one that think the fact that we couldn't turn back time seriously, and by carrying her camera everywhere could help her to make such a good memories with her beloved family.
  • Playing Piano  She has learnt to play piano for 7 years, and she has a really good (calm, soothing and typical sweet) voice when she sings. She often practicing / playing piano while singing, she looks really beautiful when doing that. Sometimes, she called her partner/love interest to play piano together with her. She could play so many songs with her piano, including Pop and Jazz.
  • Shopping  She really cares about her family and really picky when it comes to her fashion style and her family needs. Before she went shopping (if it's for her family needs), she will do a research, find the good quality but cheap items; then writing it in her note. She is a calculating thinker and she wants the best for her family, that's why she wants to be the one who bought their personal needs. As for herself, she couldn't stand discount. If she saw big sale and the items in stock style fit her, she'll buy them right away.



  • when happy  cheering people up, help people, smile a lot
  • when sad  keep quiet, cry in her room, gloomy all day
  • when uninterested  stared blankly on the floor, played with her pen
  • when nervous  chewing bubblegum, stuttered with words, awkward situation
  • when bored  try to do aegyo, puffed her cheeks, hummed songs
  • when confused  ruffled her hair, rolled her eyes
  • when frustrated  scream and loud, extremely exercising and practicing
  • when angry  talked back, rude, her words became painful and scary
  • when excited  jumped everywhere, showed her wide grin
  • when laughing  covered , clapped her hands
  • when afraid  shouted, stay behind person closest to their back
  • when jealous  stalk them both, giving the un-ending list of important and unnecessary questions to her partner and the third wheel


  • Spiders  She is truly scared with spiders. Especially the tarantula ones. Don't you dare to give her spiders or she will be a monster; she'll be really angry, then jumped and screamed everywhere like a crazy person
  • Insects & Bugs ㅡ Pretty much self explanatory. It's more like disgusting creatures for her. She just couldn't accept the fact if nasty things like that are alive, her mind is full of bad things when she saw insects and bugs, making her completely hate them.
  • Being Alone ㅡ She couldn't accept the fact if she doesn't have anyone if she is really forever alone. She hates the feeling of being alone, as much as the feelings of getting locked in a room or being on empty room without people. Thinking about it already make her body shaking, and yet, she really doesn't want that to happen. Seriously. It would be the most terrible nightmare in her life.
  • Thunder [ Lightning ] ㅡ She is truly terrified with the sound of thunder, it's really scary. Whenever she heards the sound of angry thunder in a heavy rain, she will immediately covered her ears and running to her love interest's room or hiding in the corner, waiting for the rain to stop. She is scared, scared if the loud thunder scream could hurt her, it's just the worst situations and feelings ever.
  • Awkward Situation / Real Silence ㅡ So, she might not the type that talk much, but she isn't the type that could stand and handle awkward situation. She'll try her best to not make the situation looks awkward. She really hates that feelings. Awkward feelings. When she and the speaker both don't know to do and just standing there quietly, without talking about each other and giving the blank expression. No. She is truly , really, seriously, against it.


  • Sleeping  She can't sleep without the lights turn off
  • Backpack  She never forget to bring them in any occasions. She prefer this rather than a purse because they could fit more things and they have bigger and lots of space. she usually have different kind of unnecessary items on her bag
  • Friends  Her close friends is Tiffany SNSD and Changmin TVXQ
  • Plastic Surgery  She has her tooth laminated and a lung surgery due to a car accident that she involved 5 years ago, back in 2008
  • Family  Her real family consist of a sister, father and mother. Her father is a retired pianist and now a composer, her mother is a famous ballerina back in her era and her younger sister [ Choi Sulli ], she's the maknae from SM Ent. girlgroup, f(x)
  • Personal Information  She maintains a very good and athletic body with the height of 171 centimetres and  weighing on approximately 49 kilograms
  • Right-Handed  It may looks normal for you but she is the only one in the family that is right handed. All members on her family is rather left-handed or ambixdetrous
  • Anemia  She has anemia and often fainted because of her ilness. She has to constantly eat pills. Her bloodtype is AB- anyway and she easily tired
  • Education  Currently studying at Seoul National University Of Arts [Post Modern Music Major]
  • Jobs  She is a former senior pianist, barista and now working her of as a trainee on SM Entertainment, figure skater and model for cherryspoon, Music Videos and CF [ Mostly beauty product commercials ]
  • Pet  She has one 3 years old siberian husky named Jewel
  • Fashion  She quite enjoy shopping and you could consider her as a good fashionista. Her fashion style is outstanding [  ]
  • Bruises  She has so many wounds due to her intensive training on SM Ent. but now she mostly covers it up with concealer and loose powder
  • Nail Arts  She has interested with them ever since [especially the 3D ones] and prefer to use and paint it herself
  • Entertainer  She admire and actually a fan, [ currently look up on him ] of the national MC, Yoo Jae Suk
  • Jewelry  She is not a fan of them but she thinks sapphire, diamond and jewels is quite delighting
  • Flowers  She has a park full of flowers and other plants is her house, her favorite is red rose and lily
  • Training — She trained for 2 years on SM Ent. before transferred to FNC Entertainment and now coming back to SM Ent.
  • Idol  She's an avid fan of Jason Mraz. She has full of his albums and poster placed in her room. She is a fan of Usher and Ne-Yo. [ Note : She has a really big crush on K.Will ]
  • Car  She has one chevrolet camaro. Believe it or not and the fact that she bought it with her own money on trainee days is simply amazing
  • Role Model  Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi. Why? Because she wants to have a heart and an attitude like them, they're really inspiring
  • Ideal Type  She doesn't have one specifically. But she is crazily and extremely in love with korean famous actor: "Won Bin". She always answer him as her ideal type. She is his number one and loyal fan. Ever
  • Social Media  Her twitter username is @velvetsky90 [public acc.], @choimira_ [private]. Her personal website/blog is: http://www.beautifulskies.co.kr/. Her me2day is @heyitsme. Her instagram is @mirachoi. She updated most on twitter and her own personal website.
  • Watching Dramas  She has watched so many of them in her life, but her favorite is: "Endless Love"
  • Taking Selcas  She doesn't update her instagram frequently but she loves talking selcas with her family more than taking photos of herself alone. Yes, she feels ugly [weird, right?]
  • Career  She is an UN Goodwill Ambassador and UNICEF. She starred in some CF [mention 1: "Casio-G" or maybe 2: "Etude House" ], MBLAQ's Monalisa and Infinite's Paradise MV
  • Instruments  She could play Harmonica, Guitar, Violin, Flute and Piano. Not to mention if she is an expert on them all
  • Ring  She has this ring given from Eunhyuk
  • Earrings  She has this earrings given from Jongin, she rarely put it off
  • Necklace  She has this necklace given from Tiffany and Donghae sunbae-nim for her 17th birthday
  • Boygroups  She is an ELF and a Cassiopeia secretly, she has slight crush on EunHae [Eunhyuk-Donghae] and Changmin [TVXQ]
  • Taekwondo  She received black belt on it, she learnt it for her self-protection and she is fairly good at it
  • Birthday  She was born in the romantic day of valentine's
  • Religion  Roman Catholic
  • Favorites  Her favorite number is 89 and her favorite colour is wine [                      ]
  • Face  People sometimes (or often) mistaken her as 17 years old girl because of her baby face, but she is actually has a "Bagel Girl" nickname
  • Talents  She could hit high notes perfectly [5 octaves], her wink [eyesmile], her eyes could trembe like an earthquake, her figure skating and playing instruments skills, her arms could spin 360 degrees and probably her fails aegyo [?]
  • Hope & Dream  Be a famous, well known south korean female singer soloist/idol, not only in her own country, but worldwide
  • Cousin  She has a famous cousin, It's Kim Jongin from EXO. They're truly close with each other and almost in the term of best friend and some people even assumed if they're dating
  • Motto  "I'd rather bend than break"


Your ideal type~!

Ideal type:

First, he has to have a good personality and not afraid to show his true personality in front of Mira.  Next, he can cry. It's mean he is sensitive and not like the typical stoned face guy that doesn't have a heart. Third, he is willing to do anything for her and treated her like a princess and a true gentleman and showed his affection or love to Mira. He has to be funny and romantic, because she fall in love easier for the romantic and charming guy. Mira usually believed in first impression, so she loved guy with charming or mysterious eyes when they make eye contact for the first time then it's his attitude. Mira wanted to have a guy that loved her for who she is and not just because of her face, fame and money and willing to be there and comfort her through ups and downs. For her, she just need a boy that understanding, love her for who her is, warm-hearted and has a charming smile. But, above all, she wants the type of romantic gentleman with good heart and personality.

Nearest idol to your ideal type: Julien Kang || Yunho [ TVXQ ] || K.Will || Won Bin 

What you like: Charming Smile || Romantic Action(s) || Sweet Confession || His Charm || When A Man Try To Show His Love To A Girl || Funny Jokes

What you don't like: Arrogant & Conceited Guy || Easily Scared || Mysterious & Cold Type Of Guy || Bad Attitude || When A Guy Being Rude To Children

Idol/s that you like to be in the show: Eunhyuk || Donghae [ Super Junior ] || Suho [ EXO K ]

Do you fall in love easily?: No. Not really. Mira's usually looked at the man eyes first, and it's all about eye contact, and her heart. If she likes him, she approved and blushed immediately. If she doesn't like him, she will maintained a good relationship as a normal friend.

Do you get jealous easily?: Yes. Like, yes. It's one of her biggest flaws to be honest.

Do you get heartbroken easily?: It's depends. If the feeling for the guy it's already strong, then yes. She'll get really heartbroken eventhough she'll still try her best to get over it.

What will you do if you're brokenhearted?: Make herself busy like practicing non-stop or having a long and tiring journey/roadtrips, composing songs about her sistuation right now and writing on her diary.

How do you act when you are in love?: She blushed more and her mood will become brighter, she'll become more patient and smile a lot. Basically, her days will be better and colourful. She will be prettier and stuttered with her words because she is nervous sometimes. There will be an awkward silence, but she'll try her best to melt the ice and be more feminime just for the guy that she loved.

Ideal meeting: You choose because I'm not that creative. I hope you understand :)


The Unwanted~!

Password: Eunhyuk. Is it obvious enough? /bricked

Any requested scenes?: 

  • Kissing Scene
  • Any Romantic Scene

Comments & Suggestions: Sorry for turning it for so late! I really worked hard on it and I know if this application is the ugliest among the applicants, but I hope you still like it :)

Questions: N/A



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