Sorry for sudden hiatus. I'm leaving.

I am sorry for my sudden hiatus. I have been put in the hospital once more, for the same reason as before. I guess you guise are wondering why huh? I decided it would be fun to try to kill myself again. I'm suicidal. I try not to talk about it but I guess I can't always avoid it. I didn't really achieve my goal this time but I did enough for them to put me in the hospital. I honestly am not satisfied with life. Nothing here really to live for in my opinion. Yeah, I was fine for about a year after Kpop but its only about the smallest distraction. I can't be left home alone anymore. My laptop and phone have been taken from me. I'm on Britts right now. She's really sick. She got put in the hospital too last night. She has a really high fever and hasn't come to yet. I'm worried, I really am, but I think she is possibly going to die. I want to die. She shouldn't. So I guess this is me saying goodbye. I am getting out of the hospital soon and once I do I am running. I am running far far away so I never have to comeback to this little town of nothing. I want to try and find something that's good for me before I kill myself. I even have it planned out. How I will die. Sad, huh? You're probably thinking what a pathetic person I am. I don't care. Go ahead and think what you want because I am going to die soon so it doesn't matter. I guess I will try and update you the next chance I get. But for now, bye. I won't be talking to anybody for a while. I will reply a few comments if there are any but, yeah..... Later. 


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-nutella #1
...I want to tell you 'please don't do that!', but I know I can't say anything... I want to do the same as you, I want to kill myself aswell... But I have blood phobia and that makes it impossible to do that...
I just hope, if you're really going to do that... I hope you find something that makes you happy... I don't know if I know how you feel, but it must be similar since I want to give up on life as well.
But... that's not the right thing to do; You shouldn't do that. We will all miss you, we love you. I know I don't talk too much orz but I care. I care about all of the people here. ALL. You're a part of my life already. So if you die, you're taking a part of me with you.
Please... think twice before you do that, okay? I don't want you to die... You know, you shouldn't give up on life. I said that I want to do that too, but... don't do that. please...
I hate the fact that I can't stop you from doing that, even if I want... Because you live so freakin' far from me, right? How I wish we lived just across from each other so I could really stop you. aish...
yah! don't do this.....u have us! don't give up on life....i mean....u have a long way to go! just don't hurt yourself! it hurts me even more....please...don't.....please...
Awh, please don't kill yourself you may be feeling like you need to for whatever reason, but don't do it. so many people will miss you. so many people love you
.... Hey... I'm suicidial too.... But it doesn't mean we should kill ourself. I almost committed suicide a couples days go but I couldn't do it... I thought about what very one would think... I don't want you do that. I miss you, we all will miss you if you do. We want our friend here. As much as you want to go, be bold and brave and try your best not to. I love you. I don't want to see you in pain, even though I'm in pain as well.