✸ Mutant X ¦ Park HeeRa


Park Heera

To You
AAF Username: pamferrarez
AAF Profile: My Profile
Activity: 10

The Shadow
Full Name: Park Heera
False Name: M
*Nicknames: Hee
Age: 20
Birthday: 13th May, 1992
Height & Weight: 159 cm and 132 pounds
Bloodtype: B
Birthplace: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Enthnity: Half-Brazilian, Half-Korean.
Languages: Portuguese (fluent), English(fluent) and Korean(fluent)

The Reason I Became A Witch

Heera is a sweet and friendly girl, at the first moment you meet her she is shy and too formal, but with the time she becames very talkative and easygoing. Talk is one of the things that she loves to do, but it's too one of her biggest problems. Why? Because Heera talks too much, giving to people information about her that they don't need to know and most of the time making her too vulnerable. She can get stressed very easily you just need to a little bit and you'll make her very mad at you. If someone that she loves has a trouble she'll do everything that is possible to help them. When she fights with someone and hurt their feelings, she'll hardly ask for forgiveness and admit that she was wrong, but you know... Sometimes miracles happen. Sometimes she can look very childish, she does aegyo naturaly. When she thinks about her powers she can be very depressive and the only way to make her the happy Heera that always has a smile on the face is having a good time with her friends or swimming to forget everything, at least for a while. She trusts easily on people and give her heart to them, what makes her a person that gets hurt easily. Heera is a person that really know what she wants so difficultly you will change her mind, but if you are Leeteuk, Siwon, Taeyeon or Aron you'll have some influence on her. Having a good heart she will do everything possible and maybe impossible to help her loved ones. She have an instinct to take care of everyone around her, or maybe it's just a way to make up for all the things that she did that she'll never forgive herself.

1. The Night, she loves it's quietude look to the moon and the stars.
2. Water, she loves how calm she feel into it.
3. Books, they are like a treasure to her.
4. Sunglasses, hoods, sneakers and jeans, they just fit well on her.
5.Chocolate, Marshmallows, candys in general.
6. Red Roses and white lilies.
7. Owls, turtles, horses, pandas and Cats are her favorites animals.

1. sour and bitter food
2. People that do stupid things without thinking on the consequence
3. The hot sun and summer.
4. Impatience, she likes to do everything in the right time
5. That people mess up her hair
6. To be bossed around all the time.


1. read books

2. play guitar

3. swimming

4. listen to music

5. practice taekwondo


1. No matter what Heera is always wearing sunglasses

2. she pouts without even noticing

3. her phone is always in her hands she never leaves it at her room

4. sometimes she speaks more than she should and put herself in trouble or say things that are not even of the interest of the people.

Pet Peeves: 

1. Heera becomes a little bit stressed when people act childish playing around making things that can hurt people

2. When nobody let's her talk.

3. When people do annoying noises with their mouths and don't stop.


1. lost the people that she loves

2. She's afraid using her power

3. She's also afraid of the dark

1. She has some difficulties in concetration, she gets distracted easily.

2. Talk too much sometimes.

3. The fear of killing someone again.

1. Defending herself and sometimes people, she is really good at Taekwondo.

2. She's inteligent if someone or even her are in trouble she'll find a way to solve the problem.

3. She's evasive, practicing Taekwondo helped her on that.


1. She's always falling in the stairs while she's going upstairs and everywhere that have an obstacle

2. Before her powers appeared she used to use glasses.

3. She's alergic to fish.

4. She's addicted on texting and twitter.


Ulzzang: Eun Il Byeon

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

Back-Up Ulzzang: Lee Dasom

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Style: She likes to wear jeans, hoods, caps, sunglasses, sneakers and very comfy blouses. Despite she looks very girly when you look at her appearence, in truth her style is very boyish but yet cute. She really doesn't like to wear dresses and skirts, and thank god her boyfriend likes it and doesn't ask her to wear those things. She's always wearing her sunglasses she will just take it off to sleep and when she's alone and nobody is in danger. [ Sorry I couldn't found pics that fitted the character that were wearing sunglasses, and I so loved that ulzzang! I hope there's no problem]

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Extra: Nopes.

Family Background:

Being the young child her parents always protected her more than her older brother Leeteuk. Her big brother always overprotected her as if she was a little baby that can't defend herself. Things on her house was fine until the day Leeteuk was found to be a mutant and their dad freaked out. Their mom always supported Leeteuk knowing her son was special and he wouldn't do anything harmless to the people, but their dad thought that Leeteuk was a freaky and told him to leave their house. That was the point when from "Little princess of Appa" Heera was turned into " my soon to be freaky daughter" to her dad, in a certain way he always knew one day Heera's power would be revealed. Her dad never treated her in the ame way after everything that happened to her brother and the only love that she had was her mom's and brother's love. Her mom never saw that carrying and loveble husband that she used to have after all that happened, it was like he had changed into a different person. Her mom didn't had time to have a reaction when she discovered that  Heera was a mutant, because when she discouvered it she found her death. Heera's dad freaked out when he encountered Heera crying hugged to her dead mother, he said to her that she was a murder, and that was true, but she couldn't predict that it would happen. Her dad tried to kill her because she had killed her mother, but when he looked in her eyes he found death too. The only person that she had after it was her brother, she called him scared and when he arrived at her home he was now the only one that last from her family.


Brother|Park "Leeteuk" Jung-Soo|22| Control the fire|Leeteuk is always taking care of Heera. He's always worried with his little sister, eventhoug she always said to him that she's not a baby anymore and that she can take care of herself. For Leeteuk she'll always be his baby sister.

Sulli|2o|Fireworks|Sulli is always happy and always wants to cheer Heera and everyone up. She's also very nice and cute an makes Heera feels comfortable around her.

Taeyeon|22|Control the plants|Taeyeon is the one who always see the good side of everything and everyone, so she will always teachs Heera how to see the good things that have in everything.

Suzy|18|Control the moods|Suzy is very nice and talkative, it's always easy to talk to her.

Donghae|22|Manipulate water|Donghae treats Heera like a little sister, so he takes care often eventhough her brother Leeteuk does it good enough.

Best Friend:  Aron|19|Speed|Aron means safety and someone to be always on her side, he'll never let Heera down.


Jessica|21| Prophet|From their first encounter they hated each other, Jessica thinks Heera is too sweet in an irritating way and in her view Heera's boyfriend belongs to her. But the thruth is she will never forget Heera for knocking her out, but she's too proud to admit that little Heera knocked her.

Before The Dawn
Mutant Power/Ability:
Eyes of Death. Heera can't control her power, it just happens... If someone looks direct into her eyes the person is dead. That's why she is always wearing sunglasses not to kill people and worse, the people that she loves. Some people compare her with Medusa, that woman from mithology that turned people into stone. And that's why people started calling her Medusa and quickly Medusa was turned just into M.

How you Found Out: It was almost 8 PM in Seoul and the young Heera that was 15 years old had just arrived home. She was in the kitchen helping her mom cooking. They were talking and laughing about silly things most of the things that used to happen in their lives everyday. Her dad was in the living room watching a football game. That was when Heera felt something strange in her eyes, a sensation that she couldn't explain. She blinked several times just to see if her eyes was going to come back to normal, but it didn't. And then her mom realized that something was wrong with her and asked if she need help, her mom came close to Heera and looked into her eyes. She fell on the flooe dead. Heera didn't know what was happening until her dad entered in the kitchen and screamed at her calling her a murder and saying that she was a freaky just like her brother, he didn't know what her power was looking in her eyes when he was going to hit her with his hand. He was dead too, just one more death to Heera. And was when she realized that her problem was her eyes, that eyes that was acting so strange on that day. First thing she did after it? She called Leeteuk.

life before utopia/brotherhood:  Heera was born in Brazil and had a happy and calm life in there with her family, in her house there were talked both Portuguese and Korean. She used to have good friends in there and she was very close to her older brother Leeteuk When she was the age of 10 the things was not good economicaly in her home so her parents decided that it was time to go back to Korea, her family was all there and her parents had friends, they were going to find a good job. Move to Korea was hard but Heera made friends there and did great at school. Everything was well for 2 years until the day that Leeteuk put fire on the library of the school, Heera's dad made Leeteuk leave their house and then one of Heera's best friends was away from her. And her loving dad was turned into someone else that she never knew before. The only person in that house capable to love Heera now, was her mother. Her lovely mother that never stoped to worry about her and her brother. Heera used to meet up with Leeteuk without her dad knowing, always to be with her brother he always wanted to see the smile on her face. 2 year after Leeteuk leave Heera discovered that he was living in a nice place with people like him and that made her happy to know that he was good. And then when she was 15 she found out about her powers and was taken to Utopia.

How Old Were You When Aera Found You?: 15
How Do You Feel about the Mansion and the People?: Good, the mansion is my home now and the people there are my family.
Why did you pick Aera over Eris?: Because Aera made me feel comfortable and safe, and I knew she would never ask me to kill people again.

Strength: 6
Evasiveness: 8
Agility: 7
Speed: 5
Mentality: 7
Intelligence: 8
Luck: 4
Truthworiness: 8
Stealth: 5
Social Skills: 9
Endurance: 5
Intuition: 6
Reflexes: 8
Team Work: 9
Bravery: 7
Observation: 6
Overall Offense: 7
Overall Defense: 8

Control over Power: 1

What is Love
Love Interest: Jung Taekwoon / Enjoy the view!
False Name: Leo
Age: 22
Power/Ability: Bone Manipulation
Personality: He's the guy full of himself. He knows he's handsome and he likes how the girls act around him. He's stuborn, cocky and a womanizer. He's y without even trying, you don't want to be near him when he'll be trying. He always takes care of his dongsaengs and he likes it, but he'll always act like if he was pissed of with them. He cares about people, but he'll never admit it, he likes to look though.
How You Met: She met Leo at her old school in Seoul, he was 2 years older them her and he found Heera crying when her dad made Leeteuk leave their house. He was intrigued by this girl that was crying so hard while everybody in the school was laughing, he had already saw her before but he never talked to her. She was siting in the corridor, them he sitted with her and asked why she was crying. The innocent Heera told him everything, she had that tendecy to trust people too much, she had not learned yet that not all the people were good.
Relationship: They didn't know exactly what kind of relationship were their. Sometimes they thought that they were friends, but in others Leo just forgot it and kissed her, and all that just made both of them more confused, till the day Leeteuk told Heera not to trust him and so she did, andhey that was how their friendship broke apart. Now when they met Heera doesn't have the courage to look at his face.

Back Up Love Interest: Han Sanhyuk , 17

Love Rival: Siwon
Power: Create illusions
Personality: Siwon is basicaly the good boy. He's always caring with his friends and worry a lot about them. He gets really pissed of when things don't come in the way he wants. He's very charming what makes every girl fall for him, but his heart belongs to Heera. He always wants to help, so it there is anyone that can help in anything that person is Siwon. He is funny and if you need to cheer up he'll find a way to make you smile.
How You Met: Siwon was a friend of Leeteuk since he left home, so one day when Leeteuk and Heera was going to meet at a Coffee Shop Siwon went with Leeteuk and that was how he met Heera and at first they were friends.
Relationship: Dating


G.O|21|Strenght|good|G.O is always making Heera blushes.|Because he says ert things to her in the hope that one she'll be his

*Who should you character end up with? Oh! So difficult question! You are being mean! I think she should end up with Leo.

Break Down

How do you feel about your power? I hate it most of the time, for me it's a curse. I never wanted something like that, having that power that can kill people, people that I like. I hate not having control on it.

How do you feel about the world? I feel that people have a lot to learn. Yes, there are some mutants that don't use their powers for the good, but yet there's no reason to treat mutants like they treat. Everybody can be fixed, there's good and bad inside everyone.

Do you miss your family? All the time, but at least I have my brother and a new whole family.

What's your favorite color and why? Green, because it remembers me the mountains and the countryside of the country where I was born and used to live.

How do you feel about the color red? Red used to remember me of love, it used to be my favorite color when I was a kid, but now I don't know what it really means to me sometimes red scares me, it remembers me blood and violence.

Tell me your weakness: My weakness? The people that I love, I don't know if I can continue to live if I lost all of them.

If you could trade yor power for anything, what would you trade it for? My mom, I would give anything to have her back.

Are you a cat or dog person? Dog.

Speaking of, what's your favorite animal? Owl *-*

How would you react to one of your loved ones dying? I would get lost, my balance would be lost and I would cry more than anything. My heart would broken and in pain.

Say, who's your favorite band? There have so many bands that are my favorites... Wel... I have to say so... Super Junior o/

Do you like us? Yes, you are too kind to me and is always helping me, I have no words to thank you for it!

Comments: I would not like my character to die, but if that's important to the story... It's on your hands! You can do anything that you want with my character I don't mind if she gets hurt a little bit or if it has some scenes.

Suggestions: uh... I don't know... Maybe Eris could make some people from Utopia change sides and maybe Aera could do that too, people are never enterely good or bad.
Scene Requests: Maybe, Leo facing Heera and asking her why she stopped to talk to him, or something like that... I don't know... Maybe Siwon jealous because of Leo too. If I have more ideas, I'll let you know!
Password: Here it is!



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