The Guy I Like~

Hehe, I talked about him before to some of you, but I really like talking to him hehe. *super shy*

Anyway, today in class, he sat especially close to me and I don't even know what's wrong with him, he actaully did my homework worksheet for me. I really don't know what's wrong with him, but he's funny haha.

He even wrote in witty answers for some! XD It's cute to me keke.

I know he likes someone at a different school, so I choose to get no hopes up, but still~

I'm such a nerd when it comes to guys I like haha.

*remains happy all day because of his little actions*


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sarangjinyounghalbae #1
haha, cute! don't give up yet. what if one day, he'll like you.

well, i also have... sort of crush to this guy, but nahhh, it's just a normal crush, because he's smart and handsome..
well, i also fangirl about him sometimes but 'sometimes only'

since we're close friends and I hang up with him. talking to him, watching movie with him(on my laptop only and we're at school but only me and him are watching, hahaha *evil laugh*), solving problem with him(we have test and he ask me to help him :DDDD) doesn't make me nervous at all.. but there's a time where I felt awkward and nervous with him. that is the time when me and him were not that comfortable with each other when left alone.

it started..

when our group planned to do a project but it was cancelled.
and since me and him are from the same hometown, and we supposed to do our project in the city, well, like i said, it's canceled, and our other group mates went to the mall or watch movie. so we are left together. well, we decided to walk around the mall(i start to think that, what if this is a date, but i quickly shook it off). and i was so nervous because i don't know what to say but then, i think this is not the good thing to say, but i said, "I'm sorry but I'm an awkward person" and then I smiled nervously. while he just chuckle and said, "hmm.. not really." and then he smiled at me. then i tried to be talkative, so there won't be an awkward air, like asking how many siblings does he have, what's his parent's occupation, weird questions, eh.. hehe

anyway, i just shared it because none of my friends know that i have a crush on him xDDD
anyway, fighting!
maybe the thing about him liking someone else is fake ;3
Wow... He's so sweet.. What kind of tactics he's using on you.. He did your homework... That's fluffy.. You one lucky girl..