won shat after story (testing)

Define testing. means im just bored and i feel like it. and i may or may not make this into a fic mostly not because im a lazy person and i have tons of updating and thinking to do otl

And I'm supposed to copy something actually, but screw that.


"You!" Yongguk glarred at Youngjae, holding back the urge to punch him right in his face, hopefully breaking his face in the process, and if not for two strong officers holding him back by his arms. Yongguk couldn't believe their gang member betrayed them. He didn't even join them for a good reason, but to turn them into the police. Yongguk swore at himself for being a stupid leader and not noticing that he was a spy undercover. Only a few days ago he had found Youngjae searching his bag. He should have noticed something was wrong by then.

Youngjae smiled in response to the furious Yongguk and saluted him. He walked out of the underground drains after that, getting some fresh air. Youngjae smiled to himself. He had sucessfully gone undercover and caught the most wanted criminal group, BAP who dealt human traficing for the longest time anyone could remember. The police knew that they were the masterminds behind all this, but couldn't find enough evidence to file a charge and lock them up.

The police tugged at their handcuffs and shoved them along into the van, bringing them to the station for further investigations. They were temporary all locked in one huge cell, cuffs still on their hands and legs.

"Hyung." Zelo gathered up his courage and asked the eldest. "Is Youngjae hyung really, did he really.......betray us?" He was afraid of Yongguk at the moment, his eyes could kill. Yongguk was hurt most by Youngjae. He trusted Youngjae so much, he never suspected a thing. Zelo didn't feel much, for he wasn't that close to Youngjae, and he was young. Where he was never bothered him much, as long as he survives and gets his meals.

"We don't know Zelo. Hyungs will sort this out." Himchan said, assurring the youngest. He himself felt outragous and absurd that Youngjae should do this to them. Himchan didn't see the problem in human traficcing, he felt that it was right. The parents shouldn't abandon their unwanted babies on the roads like that in the first place, he thought. He moved over to sit beside Daehyun after assigning Jongup with Zelo. The two youngest could have their own little talks irrelavant to their current situation. Yongguk needed to calm down and think

"You okay?" Himchan asked Daehyun, who starred blankly at the wall. Daehyun was most intimate with Youngjae. He welcomed him dearly when he first joined, despite the others not trusting him that much. It was Daehyun who kept him company until the others opened up to him. Daehyun was so devastated when he saw Youngjae tied up, blood stained on his face and eyes hollow. His heart pumped with rage when he saw what those thugs did to his beloved and perfect angel. Yes, Daehyun had grew a liking more than friendship to Youngjae, but he kept it hidden. Feelings would only cause pain.

"I'm...........coping." Daehyun managed to give him a weak smile. Himchan gave him a pat on his back and went to sit beside Yongguk. He waited for Yongguk to loosen up and think everything through. He observed as he furrowed his eyebrows in rage one second and looking so sad the other. He kept quiet when Yongguk shifted his position, sitting with his legs crossed, back against the wall and bit his pinky finger. His eyes darted all directions. He's thinking, Himchan thought to himself. Any minute now.

Time ticked pass with the silent sounds of the clock and some officers talking in the front. Sometime or another a drop of water would fall and echo through the cells. Soon, the sunlight couldn't get into the cells through the barred windows anymore, so they were shifted to a cell with ceiling lights.

"Now!" Yongguk yelled as soon as they were near the exit. He shoved the officers away with his tremendous strength and hurried his dongsaengs out before grabbing the keys from one of their belts. 

They reunited at the passageway, hidden well in the shadows. Thank god they were still wearing their black clothes.

"We get out first and find a place." Yongguk said shortly. He unlocked the cuffs from his ankles and kept them in his pocket while he helped to unlock the others.

"Keep it." He said. "We can use it later."

He left a cuff on his right wrist, just incase. Then, Daehyun was sent out to distract any awake officers.

Daehyun looked around. There were two officers whose eyes were closed and crossed their legs on the table. He wasn't sure whether were they awake or not. One of them stirred and his head fell to his left, hanging. The other didn't even budge when Daehyun grabbed a nearby pen and threw it at him. Daehyun snickered to himself for a few seconds. When they got the signal that the coast was clear, they snuck out quietly.

No one knew that they were gone, well, except for the guards that were knocked out. Let's hope they don't remember


"Where do we go?" Zelo asked, looking around. They were now walking up flights and flights of stairs, reaching their rooftop home which was abandoned long time ago. Zelo was tired, he nearly fainted. Luckily, he was held by his trustworthy hyung Jongup, who was always by his side. Jongup pushed Zelo up the steps with some hardship. Jongup was alot smaller in size compared to the 184 cm Zelo.

"Firstly, let's just sleep. Yongguk and I will keep watch." Himchan said, pushing the door open. He dusted the place slightly and found some mats which were kept in a cabinet. He lay the mats down and told them to get some rest. Jongup and Zelo slept immediately once they lay down. Daehyun pulled his mat over to a window, in an angle enough for him to look out, but an outsider can't see him. Himchan wanted to tell to sleep, but Yongguk stopped him.

"He'll sleep later on." He said, pulling two mats so that they could sit.

"How are you?" Himchan asked, eyes fixed on Jongup and Zelo. It was a full moon night and the moonlight shone right on their faces. They looked like angles who were fast asleep peacefully without worries.

"Fine." Yongguk said.


And yeah the sudden stop LOL I don't know how to continue anymore.

There are parts where I should describe with more detail like when they escaped, when they got caught, their tired faces and blabla the whole thing OTL. But who cares, it's a testing thing anyway

You can vaguely see the storyline coming in that short little chunk of text. It needs very detailed describing and thinking through. The plot and all isn't the problem now for me. You just gotta sound mature(?) and the characters, *sigh*. The person who guesses the plot correctly gets a free marshmallow =DDD

anyway i need to copy that piece of homework now so



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