Anyone watched MAMA?


If you did, is it really thaat scary?

I'm not into horror movies because I'm a coward pig, but my senior crush is asking me to watch MAMA with him and his friends this saturday ; - ; And I couldn't just say no right?  I mean, it's my one and only chance ; - ; 

But now I'm really scared to death.

I watched the trailer and stopped in the middle because I was so scared.

And it was just a trailer.

So, is it really scary? I mean, I heard from my friends that the face of "MAMA" is showned in the movie.

And I really freaked out.

I have only watched 2 horror movies in my life.

The first one is The Devil and the second one is Paranormal Activity 4.

The Devil is my first horror movie. I was really curious because I've never watched horror movies and my friends kinda force me to watch it. So I had no choice and the movie was really scary (it was all bloody and horror) ._. But The Devil is not as scary as Paranormal Activity 3. I watched PA 3 because I was forced again and omg I couldn't stop screaming. There is no ghost showned in the video, but the scenes were shocking and it has so many references to supernatural creatures ._.

(Poor me for being friends with horror-movies freak friends).





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You should watch it!!! The story's quite interesting and its not one of those movies where the ghost pops out of no where in their life to haunt them. Its not that scary either^^ (well to me, not sure if you'll be scared.) Everything is just great except for the ending -__- Plus the ghost isn't scary either^^
You should watch it!!! The story's quite interesting and its not one of those movies where the ghost pops out of no where in their life to haunt them. Its not that scary either^^ (well to me, not sure if you'll be scared.) Everything is just great except for the ending -__- Plus the ghost isn't scary either^^
MissScarlett #3
ok i just watched the trailer and im freaked out O.O lol, ive seen like 10 horror movies but they never cease to frighten me >.< hahaaha... it reminds me a bit of sinister...yeh, i get freaked out by that shizz xD haha MAAAMAAA
Honestly, I've never heard of it.
I have only heard of EXO's MAMA and the MAMA (awards) xD