Block B 30 Day Challenge - Days 12-14

Ok I've seriously been lacking on this BUT it's for good reason! I've been extremely busy with school work. But that's not what you came here for. You came here for Days 12-14 of the Block B 30 Day Challenge, yes you did!

Here are the questions for each day:

Day 12: What would you do if you got to spend a hour with the boys? Explain!

Day 13: A member you think is the best singer


Day 14: Your favorite OTP


If I got to spend an hour with Block B, damn that'd be the best hour of my life...right next to the hour being spent with Kyung, getting married to him.

Well the scenario I see going in my head goes as such:

I will arrive at the meeting area nervous as hell and spazzing but when I see them, my nerves will calm down. I'm not one to get fangirlly infront of celebs (and yes that means I've met a few in my lifetime). I'll probably bite my lip to keep frm smiling too big. I don't want to seem too excited that I might just glomp them XD I'll introduce myself and I'm sure they'll do their "Do You Wanna Be? Block B!" intro. At that point, I won't be able to control my happiness. I'll probably be doing the handsign and clapping and slightly squealing. They'd most likely laugh at me because it's either cute or they think I'm weird. Either way, we'll all sit comfortably together wherever we are and just act normally. I'll whisk each of them away one by one so we could get to know each other a little better.

I'll probably pick P.O. first. As we'd walk around, I'll ask him how he's doing (just because I'm an awkward person >.<) then I'll probably tell him that I find him absolutely adorable but I found it so hard to believe that he was really the magnae. I'll probably have him call me noona because I want us to be friendly. Then I'll ask him what questions that he finds annoying when at interviews and what his pet peeves are. We'll probably end up laughing about that, comparing our weird quirks to each other. Then our time would be over but at least he had a lot of laughs with me.

Next would be Minhyuk. Minhyuk and I are extremely similar personality-wise. He's someone that loves to dance and is very passionate, just like me. I'll most likely tell him that I admire him. That'll make him smile and I'll notice his dimples tell him he has cute bojogae (dimples) and that I love dimples like him. I'll show him mine, too. We'll most likely laugh about that. I'll also tell him that I love his style of dance and that we should dance together and he should show me a couple moves. Unfortunately, after our dance session, our time would end together but we'll leave each other knowing we had fun.

Then I'll choose U-Kwon to be next. As we walk next to each other, I'll look at him and smile knowing he'll look back and do the same. I'll tell him that he definitely fits the position as the smile representative because he does have an infectious smile. I'll mention to him that I won the "Best Smile" award in both middle school and high school, however, he might just have me beat, keyword being might. That would make him laugh and start random conversation. I also mention to him that I'm a dancer and I admire his sharp, intense style. Then say how I can't krump for my life and that he's really good at it, hinting for him to teach me. After he does (and I make a complete fool out of myself), we'll head back to the others and end our time together.

After him, Zico would be next. The first thing I'll ask him is why he chose to get dreads because I used to have some (had them for 8 years) then I cut them off. I'll probably show him some pictures to prove it. I'll tell him that he looked really good in them. Then I'll tell him how much I admire him as well and that I really appreciate and enjoy his music, as well as Block B's. I'll also ask him how his brain works, as in how he comes up with the melodies because I find that whole thing fascinating and I would love to produce music of my own. I'll mention that I'd like him to show me sometime if we ever have time to hang out again. I have a feeling that he might ask me if I could sing, and I'll get all shy and tell him not really but I have been told by people who actually can sing that I have a nice voice. Then he'll most likely ask me to sing for him and it'll take me a bit of time but I'll end up singing a little something for him, especially since we're alone. After that our time would be up :( 

Then I'll take Kyung for a walk, maybe sit down together. I'll compliment him on his taste in music and tell him I really loved listening to his mixtape because it reminded me of the music that I enjoy listening to. I'd like most of our conversation to be about music and comparing and contrasting our favorite artists, maybe recommending some to each other. I'll mention to him that he is my favorite rapper out of the group and that he has a great flow and I look forward to hearing more from him, maybe another mixtape. By the end of our time, we would have a musical insight of each other and would definitely want to learn more about one another. But before we part, I'll mention to him that he doesn't have a long face and that I find him extremely attractive, so he should not fret whenever he is called Kyungcumber, especially since my nickname is Pickle.

Then Taeil will be my next victim XD Taeil and I are close to each other in height, which would probably make me a bit more comfortable with him than the others since they're so tall. First thing I'll say to Taeil is that I find him amazing. I love guys with soulful voices like his and I admire him. He looks like he was meant for the stage. Out of all the guys, I feel like I know the least about Taeil so I want to know what he likes and dislikes, music wise and just in general. I find him the most interesting out of the guys.

And last but certainly not the least, I'd like to spend my last single-talk time with Jaehyo. I'll tell him that I picked him last for a reason. That reason being, I find him the funniest out of the group and I just want to laugh with him. I love Jaehyo's witty comments and I'll probably crack some myself to make him laugh. After we calm down, I'll talk to him about how he finds the celebrity life. After getting his insight, I'll admit that I find him very handsome...well he was an ulzzang so...makes damn sense, duh, Bria...and also that I love how real he and Block B seem. They aren't afraid to goof off and just be guys. I would also let him know that I don't think I can see Block B without him (or anyone of the members for that matter) because they all complete the group. Afterwards we'll rejoin the group.

Then I'll ask for pictures. One with the 92-line since we're all 92-ers then one with the rest of them. Afterwards, I'll say my goodbyes with hugs, telling them I had fun and that we should definitely hang out again. I'll leave happily knowing I made a great impression, showing each of them different sides of me and that they'll want to hang out with me again.

 I imagine myself kneeling next to P.O. with a peace sign ^___^

Best singer in Block B? What kinda quest-Taeil. Lee Motherin' Taeil is the answer. He's got that soulful thing going on. He has the likes of Naul in brown Eyed SoulHe gives the group that R&B feeling, take "Naman Ireon Geoya? (Am I the Only One Like This?)" for example or even "Keudereo Meomjwo!/Don't Move!" His voice in the chorus really does bring the songs together, at least in my opinion it does. It's just so heavenly. I just want him to sing me lullabies or just sing to me as we cuddle under a blanket as I rake my fingers through his hair...*sigh* a girl can dream right?

Just listen to that voice of his...

"Please" on Starry Night

"Two Steps" by Na Yoon Kwon starting at 11:24



My favorite OTP?

Hands down, me and Kyung XD hehehe JK or am I?  o.O


I thought I loved Zikyung but there's something about JaeKyung that is adorable even though there's not much evidence of it. You can see them together in one of the pics above, as well as:

I can't exactly find the gifs of the two together though I swear I saw the the other day -_____- So to make up for it, I'll put up a y gif of Zico!



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