What i think of Anti fans.......

                So i was on facebook today and i saw a page called  "Anti SNSD ".   I started thinking about how i feel about Anti fans of all kinds. I really dislike people who are Anti of something. I dont get how someone can hate something so much to create a page or website about it. Hate is a strong word. I dont understand how you can hate someone when you dont even know them. 

Example.  Someone called Snsd Fake and that they all have Plastic surgery and that their dumb and act like little kids. 

Whoever wrote this is just petty. They dont know everything about SNSD they dont go and find medical records to see if they have had plastic surgery. And anyway so what is they had plasic surgery. IT WAS THEIR CHOICE! You cant judge someone without knowing them. 

           GAhhhh.... I could go on for hours talking about how i feel.

   You Cant hate someone without actuallly KNOWING THEM! Dont judge based on looks and tv. 



I like SNSD! and all the pother Kpop groups. No haters allowed. 


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