Make a Difference (Ranting OTL)

When someone calls you weak, pathetic, worthless, sensitive, etc etc...Simply tell them that they're weak, not you. They're the weak ones, conforming to society and calling you absurd names. They're the ones that are afraid to be an individual of their own. Why people bully and insult? Because the society does and they want to fit in; they're weak. Some people think that as long as their happy, they don't give a piece of for anyone else. And in my opinion? That's wrong. Instead, they should've made a difference instead of stacking on the pile-of-negatives-of-the-society. I know, life isn't fair but this...this thing can simply be changed if people just stop getting in the society and just be their own individual and for once, make a difference. I know that one voice won't change a whole 'nother billion but I guess that's all I have to say about this.

And another thing? People who say, "Insults don't affect me so why should it affect you," that makes me sad. That's just indirectly stating that, "I'm 'strong' so I'll bully/harrass/insult you since you're different from me and you're too sensitive." No. People are different; some people are stronger; some people are weaker. And to one that might say they're 'strong'?, you're not strong...You know pretty damn well that if you got insulted, those words would've gotten to you. You know pretty damn well in your thick skull that it hurts...So why do it to others? 


Excuse my typos...


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But even one voice can change a lot. . .
Maybe perhaps for the better and see the finer things in life.