愛 Bouquet Application (Song Han Eul) 愛

{Song, Han Eul}



AFF Account (Name and hyperlink): exotic--
What should I call you: Erica
How often you're on: 8/10


Name: Song Han Eul
Nickname (Who calls her that & why): Her nickname is Skye, because her English friends sometimes have trouble pronouncing her Korean name and because Han Eul in Korean means "Sky".
Age: 19
Birthday: May 16, 1994
Ethnicity (Must be half Asian): Korean
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: London, England


Ulzzang Name: Baek Su Min
5 Pictures: (
Back Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Da Som
5 Pictures:

Casual (2 pictures) (
Formal (3 pictures) (
Practice (2 pictures) (
1) (This is 4 pictures in one)
Extras: Only piercings on both ears


Personality (max. 3 paragraphs (1 paragraph is 6 sentences in my book)):
Han Eul is a childish and funny person who loves making other people laugh. Known as the mood-maker among friends, she loves cracking jokes, even if they make sense or not. She will do anything for humor and she even acts weird and crazy to make people laugh! She's the type of person that you can always come to whenever you need a laugh and she's someone that can easily lighten a tense or serious mood. She's very loud and talkative, often talking about the most random things you could ever talk about. She's pretty much always seen talking with a bright smile on her face. Although most people love her personality, some can also find her annoying.

She's extremely affectionate and is very fond of skinship. She loves hugging and holding hands and is usually the one to initiate skinship with her friends. She's perfectly fine with skinship with girls, but when it comes to skinship with guys, she all of a sudden refuses to do any form of skinship. She likes to show her affection by giving people hugs and even kisses on the cheek, and is also known for being the "Skinship Queen" among her group of friends. Sometimes, her friends refuse skinship from Han Eul, since they get a bit embarrassed by her loudness and playfulness. Han Eul doesn't only use skinship to show her affection for someone though. She also uses skinship for humor, like randomly slapping the butts of her friends just for laughs.

Most people love being around Han Eul, since she has a very confident and fun aura around her. She's shameless and doesn't care when people stare and gawk at her whenever she does something weird. This is all because of her self-confidence, of course. Another thing that makes Han Eul's antics so funny is that she's actually willing to do weird jokes in public. She's a confident and outgoing person who loves making friends with different types of people. She's very picky about food and hates Chinese long beans with a burning passion. She's rather impatient and usually talks way too much.

Good Traits (3): Humorous, affectionate, and confident.
Bad Traits (4): Picky, talks too much, impatient, weird, and loud.
Habits (3):

• Biting her nails
• Checking her appearance in a mirror a lot
• Waking up early

Triva (2+):
• Speaks fluent English
• Gets cold very easily
• Has a wide collection of sweaters and jackets
• Doesn't know how to swim
• Doesn't know how to ride a bike
• Doesn't know how to write in cursive
• Favorite Korean group is EXO
• Favorite English singer is Marina & the Diamonds
• Listens to music a lot
• Always careful about making sure that her hair is clean, healthy, and neat
• Favorite variety show is "Running Man"
• Often goes online to see what people are saying about her and Bouquet
• Wants to try acting, MC-ing, and being on variety shows

Likes (5):
• The warmth
• Music
• Singing & rapping
• Watching variety shows
• Going online
• Learning languages
• Writing
• Dogs

Dislikes (5):
• The cold
• Swimming
• Beaches
• Sand
• Any form of discrimination
• Chinese long beans



Family Background (max. 2 paragraphs): Han Eul's father is a producer and has produced many songs for famous artists like TVXQ, Girls' Generation, BigBang, EXO, SHINee, and many more. His songs are very popular and he shares his great love for music with his daughter.   He mainly produces for SMent and has quite a lot of connections to the company. He's friends with a lot of idols and is known as a humorous and kind man. He spends most of his time at studios and creating music, so he doesn't get that much time to spend with his family. However, he always makes an effort to spend as much time as possible with his wife and daughter and often messages or calls them just to check up on them.

Han Eul's mother used to be model but is now a housewife and occasional actress. Like Han Eul's father, she is often away from home because of her many photo shoots and her busy schedule. She often takes Han Eul with her to photo shoots because she doesn't want to leave her child alone at home, so Han Eul is a lot closer to her mother then she is with her father. During the first few years of her career, she was extremely popular, but after a while, her popularity died down and she was considered an average model. After a while, she started acting and is a very popular actress internationally and domestically. Due to her exposure to the entertainment industry, Han Eul's parents are one of the reasons she chose to become an idol.

Family Members: (Song Tae Hyun | 46 & November 16, 1967 | Music Producer | Father)
(Song Ga Yoon | 43 & January 2, 1970 | Actress | Mother)

Friends (max. 5): (Lee Su Hwa | 19 & February 8, 1994 | Student | Su Hwa is a neighborhood friend of Han Eul's and was the very first person to support her decision in becoming an idol. The two met in the neighborhood when they were both very young and still keep in touch regularly.)
(Im Ji Hoo | 20 & February 26, 1993 | Intern | Also a neighborhood friend of Han Eul's. Ji Hoo is considered much closer to Han Eul than Su Hwa is and is like a brother to Han Eul. The two are very close and keep in touch regularly.)

Best Friends (max. 2): (Yoon Mi | 19 & March 2, 1994 | Student | Han Eul and Yoon Mi met at school. They were in the same homeroom from years and are extremely close. They both are very similar in terms of personality and love joking around together. They text or call each other almost every single day.)



How she got into SM: Han Eul was scouted at a school event when she was performing on stage for a singing competition. She sang Davichi's "Don't Say Goodbye" and was approached by a scout after her performance. She was 18 when she got scouted.

Trainee years & How she was treated: Han Eul trained for exactly a year at SMent. She always gave it her all during her training and was trained in vocal training, dance, rapping, acting, modeling, and variety skills. She was usually the latest to arrive to training and the last to leave. Han Eul had a rather rough start in the beginning when she once passed out during one of her first dance training lessons and had to be in bed rest for a few days. She was treated quite well and had a lot of friends during her trainee years. However, quite a few people disliked her and her loud personality. 

Stage Name: Skye

Persona: Han Eul's persona is actually similar to her real personality; cute, fun, and humorous. She tones down her weirdness and randomness and she acts a lot cuter and bubblier than she does in real life, making her perfect for variety shows. She's known as the cute and fun girl.
Personal Fanclub Name/Color: Han Eul's personal fanclub name is Skies and the colour is sky blue. This is all because of her stage name, Skye, and both her fanclub name and colour have a reference to it.

Singing links: (1|2)

Dancing links: (1|2)

Rapping links: (1|2)



Love Interest: (Byun Baekhyun | 20 | EXO | Humorous, fun, dorky, and kind | Dating)
How Did They Meet: Since Baekhyun and Han Eul are in the same company, they actually see each other a lot. They first met when Bouquet was training for debut and a few of the EXO members visited them and watched them train. They started off as slightly awkward friends but their relationship quickly developed shortly after their first meeting due to their similarities in personality.

How They Act In Public: In an effort to hide their relationship, they can only discreetly glance at each other and communicate with each other when they're in public. They both wear couple t-shirts, rings, and phone accessories and quite a lot of fans have noticed this already. They're actually shipped together and their ship name is "BaekEul" or "HyunEul".

How They Act Alone: When they're alone, they show off their aegyo and act very loud and crazy. They both are very humorous so they like joking around and doing pranks together. Obviously, they do a lot more skinship when they're alone, like holding hands, hugging, pecking, and kissing. They both act really cute when they're alone together and usually do and say mushy stuff.

Ex-Lover: (L/Myungsoo | 20 | INFINITE | Sweet & Dorky)

Why Did You Break Up?: At the beginning of their relationship, everything seemed rosy and all, but after a while, the two just drifted apart. They were too busy to meet up with each other since they were both from different companies and always had busy schedules, so when they broke up, there were no hard feelings.

Any More Feelings?: Han Eul only thinks of Myungsoo as a friend, and Myungsoo feels the same way about her.



Rival: (Gyuri | 25 | KARA | Vain & Confident | Acquaintances)
Why Are You Rivals?: During their first meeting, Gyuri kind of rubbed Han Eul the wrong way with her self-praises and confidence. She came off as arrogant to Han Eul and when confronted about it, the two got into an argument and have been awkward around each other ever since.



Comments: -
Suggestions: I think that you should change the colour and font because I think both are quite unattractive.
Other: -
Byun Baekhyun is my husband.


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Thank you so much for applying!! Your application is super awesome *.*