Please read... I need someone to comfort me :(

                                         So guys.. I will be active again, because do you know that i almost lose interest in asianfanfics and even in kpop because i realized that i'm really falling in love; not with a kpop artist but just an ordinary person. Do you even know how my minds are being in turbulent in thinking too much if he's even interested in me. i don't know, but I don't want to expect too much because I might be hurt. And I don't want that to happen.

                                          First of all, I started liking him when I always caught him looking at me. He became a student teacher in the 4th year department for two days. The chosen student teacher's are the one who belongs in the higher group of section or a president. He came from the section 3, named IV-St. Benedict. That's his section. He is a CAT officer. Actually he is the leader of CAT. The head of CAT. CAT means Citizen Army Training. They're the one who are holding the flag of our country in our school when we're ssinging it. I came from the Philippines and it looks like this:

That's why he is chosen. The subject is Economics and our topic that time I think is Macroeconomics. One of my classmate who is also part of the CAT is being teased that she have a crush on that guy. Let's name him PATRICK! When he enters our room, the squeling voice of my classmates covered the whole room because of the girl being teased with PATRICK. Let's name her DENISE. She is fat, but she is intellligent. We belong in the section 6.. IV-St. Matthew. The 4th year all in all have 19 sections. I'm just sharing..HAHAH. 

                                           Then his teaching starts. When he is standing in front, I'm observing him and wondering why is DENISE so obssesed with him. He is not even HANDSOME. He doesn't have any good looks in his face. Cause you know he is quite chubby with glasses in his face. He is tall but with a filipino color skin. Tall dark and HANDSOME?!?! But while he is teaching, of course ourr attention is on him.. I always caught him looking at me. I don't know why he is looking at me? I also checked if he's just looking at the person seated next to me or at my back but his gaze is really on mine. I know it because I'm also looking at him that's why I know it. And when he said goodbye, I started to feel weird things. Weird. Like the butterflies in my stomach or my heart. And in the 2nd day of being a student teacher, we had a quiz. And at the time he said goodbye... one of my classmates asked if he could say goodbye to DENISE. PATRICK said, "DENISE bye.." while raising his right hand. We all shouted in glee, shouted in teasing style. But when I looked at him, I caught him again... looking at me again. WTF?? O_O? I'm like that. Why do he need to look at me when he need to say goodbye to DENISE?

                                            After that happenings, I finally confirmed to myself that I have a crush on him. Just a crush. ONLY A CRUSH. But fate really likes me to be happy. Test comes, and our school always schedule students to scatter to different classrooms. For example, the whole section 6 will not be together during test, like that. My room assignment is on room 408 high school building. I have 4 classmates with me in that room. As I enter, the first person I notice is PATRICK. He is sitting at the backmost part of the room. I smiled a bit. Because do you know that the night before that day I have a feeling that PATRICK will be my roomate, and it came true. Is that a wish or something? And our test is always 3 days. I said to myself, "This will be the happiest 3 days of my life!" 

                                           The first 2 days, nothing happen. But on the third day, our proctor is a happy teacher. He says jokes while we're taking the test. He is sitting too close to me. Theere was a time when we caught each other looking and locking our gazes together. I'm so happy that day. And I don't want that day to end. There is another thing that happen to me. I realized how fate is really working. I realized that PATRICK is living the same neighborhood as mine. What a fate? 

                                            One of his classmates named ERICKSON have a problem. His father died. They think of a thing that can help him, they go room to room to collect donations. Because that thing happened after their retreat. Imagine, seeing your parents dead after having a retreat. It hurts so much. They enter our room with a small box and they explained that they need donations. I am seating at the 2nd chair near the front door of our room, and PATRICK stayed in our front door while watching his other classmate who is the one touring our room with the box to accept money. I dig my pockets in front and in side but I don't have money. I don't have an extra money that time. I said "Wala na ata akong pera, ALITHEA, pwede bang pautang?" (I don't have enough money, Alithea can I borrow money from you?) then I hear him saying "PATAY! PATAY WALANG PERA... TSK TSK.." (I don't know how to convert that in english because PATAY is an expression, the english of PATAY is dead.. LOL). But do you know what a ing idiotic action I've done? I DON'T LOOK AT HIM!!! I IGNORED HIM!! WHAT THE ?? CAN I KILL MYSELF? And do you know what he do? he transfer to the back door area.. I WASTED A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. I think he thought that I don't care if he is existing or not.. !! HE FEEL IGNORED... -_-

                                            After that there's an incident that happen in our neighborhood. We lives in Cainta( Yo! Filipinos knew that!). There's a tremendous fire. But our house is far from that. But do you know what happened that day? I go home later than the time of our dissmissal which is 3:47 pm. I have a drink in my hand, I came from my classmate's house cause we are practicing the seniors prom's dance number. My curious mind begun when I noticed how people panic and they're carrying their stuffs away. Then I realized that the fire is in out neighborhood. I look straightly and realized that PATRICK is looking at me.. HE IS HERE IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. He had his phone in his right ear and I heard him saying "Tita may sunog!" (There's a fire aunt.). I can feel the strumming of my heart go faster. WTF!?! And that's the time I realized that he is living in our neighborhood. Far from our house but at least in our neighborhood. THIS IS REALLY FATE!?!?! FATE FATE FATE FATE!!! 

                                              Another thing happened again. In the Philippines there is a vehicle named tricycle. It looks like this:

                                               It contains 4 people inside and 2 outside, one of the 2 people is beside the driver. Me, my bestfriend KAZUKO with her boyfriend REICH is together. PATRICK is walking ahead us. Then when we came to the terminal and we're supposed to ride a tricycle having a color shade of red. There's a person sitting inside. So inside, there's a 3 space. So I think we fit it, but PATRICK is seated at the outside, but he is not beside the driver. Because sometimes, girls are the one who are always sitting next to the driver because it's "LESS DANGEROUS". That's why he is seated at the outside part... he shows us a "gentleman" part of him. REICH go directl beside PATRICK, but I speak suddenly. "REICH you shouldn't sit their, there's still space for the three of us inside." my bestfriend KAZUKO, the only person who knew that I like PATRICK!!! she said.. "YES REICH, DON'T SIT BESIDE HIM.. DO YOU WANT HER TO SIT BESIDE PATRICK??" My smile became wide.. WTF!?!? KAZUKO... it's becoming obvious. My gaze transfer to PATRICK and notice him smiling. OMG!!! ING SMILE!!! Why do you have to smile so good? But I replied... "AM I A BOY?? WHY DO I NEED TO SIT THEIR?" Do you know why I said that?? Can you imagine me and PATRICK seated together!!! !!! I think I can be dead.. OMG!! But there's a 40% part in my heart and brain telling me that I should sit beside him... like it's an opportunity. but Really!!!! My heart!!!

                                               Another thing... My classmates knew that I had a crush with LORENZO, a transferee coming from a science high school.. Yes he is my crush, but not now. Like my past crush. There's a time where PATRICK is there, with his friends waiting in front of the gate of our school, it was dismissal time. KAZUKO called LORENZO because they're close, she asked if he knows me and then like that we're introduced to each other. But i don't feel anything when I'm being introduced to him. I'm like OK, fine whatever. When LORENZO's gone, I made an idiotic action again. Because there's a rumor in our school that PATRICK is a feeler... A feeler is a vocabulary in our country meaning that he thinks that he is so handsome and he easily thinks that every girl who is involved with him have a crush with him. OMG!!! I don't want him to think that he is my crush. That idiotic action is I go in such turbulent claiming that I'm blushing when LORENZO was being introduced to me... but not!!! WHAT THE AGAIN!?!?!? I know and I'm sure that he is hurt because he heard that I'm KINIKILIG!!! When we go home, he ride the tricycle first, at the back again.. but i notice how his frown obviously appearing in his face. what can I do??? I can't say that "DON'T WORRY PATRICK, IT'S YOU THAT I REALLY WANT!! IT'S NOT LORENZO!! THAT I LIKE YOU SO MUCH!!!"

                                               After that incident, i notice him not looking at me anymore, like he keeps on ignoring me... and Do you know.. Valentines Day, I'm expecting to receive flowers from him. WHAT A JERK!?!? WHY SHOULD I EXPECT WHEN I KEEPS ON IGNORING ME!!!! I'M THE FIRST ONE WHO IS IGNORING ME.. NOW I FEEL REGRET!!! 

                                                 Sorry of it's long but.... I really have no idea how can I keep this feeling of mine. I REALLY LIKES HIM.. PATRICK 3


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RainaSeoyounKo #1
So sweet <3
awww~~ so sad but again it's sweet <3 how can he do that to you?!
why your story so similiar to mine?i know how it feel. it's . and when i like a person in real life. i can forget about kpop or my biases. and i just thinking about him, him and him. but my feel fade away after he graduated, and i never meet him afterward.
but now I fall in love. more deeply than before. and what i did this morning was deleted all my biases pic from my phone. call me crazy or what,,, but my mind is full of him. <3 maybe i really really love him u.u
Good luck in confessing your love to him:)
maybe he was ignoring/no tlooking at you because he was still a bit upset? just talk to him ^^ if he gets happy again because of that then maybe it's ok ^^ fighting :D be brave ^^ it was sweet reading this :P keke ^^
well i just can wish you luck for this

And hope that you can make sure what's his feeling

So that you can try to confess to him maybe ?

Just hwaiting and good luck nyaa ~ :3

You will get the best!! *hugs*

if you need someone to talk to

you can find me whenever ~ :3
XxBlackBeat #7
Uhm.... I'm not one to talk since, I have never really experienced that but hehehehe, cute mo. Okay, anywho~ ask him!!!!!
Nothing will happen if you don't!
Malay mo~ torpe lang siya kasi sobrang love ka niya!
Most guys when they're like turning "mature" lalong nagiging tahimik, short replies lagi tsaka nagiging shy~
So, just ask him! Or make an email account and send an anonymous email asking him or something, cuz' yun yung ginawa ko eh Hahaha.
Or text na lang kaya?
Pero mukha namang gusto ka rin niya eh!
I ship you guys na hahaha. OTP? ^^
Judging by reading on your blog it looks like u seem to have some feelings for him although it reminds me of what happened to me before (still going on).

anyway just don't be excited.... what i mean is just take it slow and steady, relax your mind and don't think anything ridiculousness things. So at first you try to greet him normally, Get to know him more about a bit and just wait to see if he really did reply it.
even though i also gone through with ur situation but i leave everything into fate. Since i meet him many times at school carnival's.
I just felted that he and i are connected into something. Who knows.
Anyway i wishes you good luck and just make sure you don't think too much of stuff in ur mind and just be yourself. Just wait for his 1 move.

I hope tht helps you
Reading your post reminds me of what happened with me (though i hope you'll get a happy ending)

I guess he likes you but should take it slow and don't put high hopes (you don't wanna get your heart broken like me) so at first try to smile to him, greet him and say hi. See if he returns the gesture that way he won't feel ignored. And maybe he'll initiate some conversations.
Get to know him and make sure he likes you.

I strongly advice that you don't ignore him, but do not confess first. He must take the first move. I believe so.

I hope i helpe orz.
Well good luck and keep up update ^_^
Tanungin mo kaya? Para masigurado lang... Kasi kung hihintayin lang natin na siya yung magsabi, baka walang mangyari.
Notes! Bigyan mo sya ng love letters xD Old fashioned, pero minsan gumagana ><
You guys are so cute though fjkdlfjsdflkj ^-^
OMG! It seems like I'm reading a story LOL XD

sorry about that ^ haha XD

Ok let me get to the point!!

that patrick guy likes you like seriously likes you!!

and you like him too right??

So how about you try to like give him hints that you are interested in him instead of you confessing

In that way, you don't have to go in the embaressment moment.

And if he really likes you and he gets the hint then maybe he will confess to you :DD heheh

Minniebear #12
is this for real??? This is soo nakaka kilig!> LOL
sorry to say that now even thou in the end of your blog it didnt turn out to be perfect the way you wanted it... pero i just have to say its soo nakaka kilig....SORRY SORRY!

such a cool guy...
Kinilig ako imagining what exactly is happening.

SOoooo im guessing, writing this blog makes you aware na crush ka nya, right?
sana naman binigyan mo sya ng chance to get close to you.
madalas ba kaung mag kita nun!? like Do you guys hang out? or you guys just walked pass each other?

every single thing you wrote is sooo detailed...i Like it. :)

Well, i guess if you still like him and he's still ignoring you... maybe you guys should have a talk....kung nahihiya ka to approach him (kung sa tingin mo its too fast to talk to him kasi hindi naman kau close) then start with a smile...start smiling at him kapag nag kita kau, you dont have to talk to him pa... just SMILE. Para malaman nya na you guys are ok... ok to be friends... just a friendly smile. then when you notice na he's responding to your smile (returning your friendly smile) then maybe you can slowly approach him. then sabihin mo sakanya all you think you want him to know... (such as "LORENZO moment.) kekeke ^^ Or you can tell him how sorry you are for ignoring him.

then the rest is yours...

This blog makes me sooo jealous of you :( hehehe
i mean im older than you pero you get to experience such thing.
heheh but it also made me remember when i still living in the Philippines.. i was in grade 2.. i would always sneak up in class just to see my crush on the other building/section. hehehe.... i'd always ask to be excuse to go to toilet. just to see him. :))

NOw i really wanna go back to the Philippines.. baka maka swerte din aku .. hehehe and find someone like PATRICK! heheheh he's sooo sweet.
hehehe TEAM PATRICK!!!
may ganun!? O_o
i think he likes you toooo :3
and you like him too..
makes a perfect match ♥

Fate revealed it :D
Just confes, or be friends!! I'm sure he likes you ;)
kaeryunsoo #15
Yeah.. What chinnieferbette03 said.. I don't really want you to have a boyfriend at such a young age. Trust me. I'm thirteen..

It's still puppy love. Don't do anything about it. Let him decide.

It comes when it comes and it goes when it goes.

besides. even if you get together, that relationship probably won't last forever.

You'll break it up before you even know it.

I'm not discouraging you or anything.. Besides. I'm saying PROBABLY. SIGURO LANG.

Let the river flow.

Kung gusto mo siya, edi, i.admire mo siya mula sa malayo. huwag mong gawing no.1 priority ang pag.admire sa kanya.

tulad ng sinabi ko. It comes when comes, It goes when it goes. And it might stay with you forever.

tingin ko nga hindi mo talaga siya kilala, eh..
pano kasi. lai lang eye contact. wala namang usap.

Hai... ang hirap nito..

Andyan na yan sa iyo noh...

Sige ate.. Good luck nalang.. at GOD BLESS..

heheheh.. ^_^ ... :D