according to what i read article, infinite is having a hard time right now, even hoya cried (hoya is type of man who doesn't cry easily)  and many fans leave the fandom (but i hope your not one of them) i'm very sad to them at the same time worry about them~ i hope to all INSPIRIT (like me)(And to all fans even that is not your fandom) never leave them when they need your support on tthe darkness~ because even your only fan you can help them by supporting them but this is the articles that i read about INFINITE:



The whole incident with the fan manager and other people bashing on Infinite about the fanmeeting on 03.01.13 has made Infinite cry.

Just a few minutes ago, a K-Inspirit that were friends with a girl whose parents work in the entertainment area, met her parents while dining at a near by cafe. 

While she was eating, she overheard them saying, “It must be really hard for Infinite right now…”

As soon as she heard that, she was curious, and carefully went over to them and respectfully asked what they were talking about— why they were talking about Infinite.

The adult told her that Infinite was going through a hard time right now with the whole fan manager and the controversy with the fanmeeting date. More specifically, he told her that Hoya broke down and cried.

Hoya is someone that rarely cries; he is usually the brave one that hides his feelings. Many people may be furious with Woollim right now, but these guys are just guys that do as the company tells them to do; they have barely any fault…

Right now, Infinite needs all the support they can get. If you are mad about them, then say something to Woollim, not to Infinite.

I didn’t know it was this stressful on them; 

Some people are still mad at both Infinite and Woollim. I honestly don’t know how this problem will be resolved….

But please know this: behind those smiling faces, all of them are under tremendous stress right now. Please be there for them, Inspirits. I’m really worried for them right now.

If you don’t believe what I am telling you, please go to this link:

It is all in Korean, so I tried my best to translate it here, but I will put the link in for those of you that are doubtful.

Please spread this around and spread the support!

(Source: jjangddongwoo)

and this: 

 : Fans r mad at Woollim&INFINITE;bcse of the 01.03.13 fanmeet as the day is on Korea Independent Day which k-fans which to be more special due to the day. And due to this issue, Hoya even cried as fans are bashing them(bcse woollim doesn't want to change the date) and some fans left the because of this reason...







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What ??? I don't get what the huge deal is about ? Is it cause it's the same date as Korea's independance day ? I'm confused. If it is, why are they so mad about it ? They don't have to go to the fan meeting if they want to celebrate Korea's independance day... Please enlighten me. I don't get what the problem is. I'm kind of disapointed on the k-inspirits though... Why would they bash them. What happen to the promiss they as inspirits made with the boys. Inspirits should have an Infinite Bond with them .