White in RED and PINK

So,  through this post I want to share WHITE news what happened in my town. In our believing, white is symbol of dead. 

Here goes the story...

I was celebrating CNY when I got a broadcast telling there's a white news in RED (symbol of CNY),  There's a girl around 27 years old who want to went back to her hometown by train, so he went there by a pedicap with his father. Why his father? bcs she no longer has a mother and brother since she was in junior high school. His father is only she has. Then, the thing I know is, she got robbed by unknown person and then she fall from the pedicap then her head hit something. She has treated at a hospital for 4 days, but she couldn't make it.


And the most recent news in my hometown is... White in PINK.

When I wake up on 15th February, I got a broadcast again telling there is a death news on Valentine day. The couples are spending Valentine days, then they went to the toll road where the man drives the car in full speed (this man is my friend's friend, he indeed an as* c*ck, he loves to races, etc) his car hit a container car from back and the car go into the container below.

Maybe if they died together, they will become a famous couple in my town, but the hell thing is happened is, the boy jump out right before the car hit the container, and left the girl inside. From the newspaper, the girl said had his arms and legs broken and her head wrecked of course.

Let's talk about the girl. Everyone has admitted the girl is CUTE, I mean she is white, and she has dimples on her cheecks, her eyes is big, and she only 18, her parents has divorced, she life with his mom, and she is THE ONLY DAUGHTER her mother has.

Can u imagine that?

Back to the boy, so the boy of course get curses from SNS, bcs the first thing he say is about his car.  tsk tsk, then he deactive his account after gets cruses from peoples. Such a gentleman. 

I think I have to end it here. bye!


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