
I want to use this medium to speak with as many of you as possible. Because, alright, I may not have too many readers but I have some, right? And I hope you guys read this and take it seriously. Because it is important.

Life is difficult. It's very very difficult. It has its stresses and pressures and disappointments. And sometimes you feel like you don't deserve the pain it gives you. Sometimes you just want it to end. Sometimes you look for happiness where you never expected to see happiness. Sometimes you feel like you should break out of this difficulty and be free. And so you try to walk towards a way to do that.


Turn back. Right now. Drop everything you're holding. And go open a family album. Go look at pictures of the ones you love. Of the ones who love you back. And remember that these people will always blame themselves if you hurt yourself. Remember that you will hurt a million people if you do something stupid to yourself. You can be as angry and sad and despairing as you want. But pick up the phone and call someone over. Talk. Pour your heart out even if you don't want to. Do that. Forget everything else.

You are important to a lot of people. Know this. They won't always tell you but just know it intrinsically. Because it is true. You are loved and cared for by everyone around you. Even people who bully you need you. Don't be a selfish idiot and do something really pointless because that whole album of pictures will be left behind thinking wondering asking what went wrong. What happened. Why did you do it. Was it their fault. And you won't be there to answer them.

So don't go. Stay here. Be here for as long as you can. When it's your time you'll go naturally. Don't speed it up like an idiot. Remember you are loved, and remember you are not alone. 

Tell your friends, too. As many as you can. Be strong even when it needs more strength than you have. Be brave even when all your worst fears have been realized. Be there for people when they need you, when they ask for you. Always remember you are not alone. Ever.


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awwww that's true. we have to suffer with many things in life but that doesn't mean we should give up. life is actually too little and without these problems it would be so boring.
you know i too was feeling i should give up at one point in my life. i was so sad and depressed with it. but i'm glad to have lovely family and my friends who helped me through it. now i don't mind about being handicap or anything. actually i'm glad that god made me different from the others. it means he believes that i have strength to go through it.
i loved your words and i'm glad u wrote it. :))
beautiful words girl
I get your point, I very strongly get that suicide leaves much more damage and pain behind than the person ever thinks there would be.

But I also get being to a point that is so dark, so painful, that a person feels they have no other choice or option anymore. It's a mental illness that not everyone can understand.

You're never alone, but that doesn't stop a person from feeling it to the pit of their very being.

I can't say that suicide is ever the answer, I don't really believe it is, but I can see how people get to that dark, irrational place. I can relate on some level to that. It's not a pleasant feeling and I think it's hard for some people who haven't been there to understand the helplessness.

It's like telling someone to 'just get over it' 'hang in there, it will be fine'. It doesn't work like that.

Anyway, my rambly 2cents on things... lolol I better stop before I legit cry from all these mixed emotions.