My embarrssing friend haha

So, my friend is reading this story I sent to her, but she also had me marked as a friend on this site before I started writing blogs.

She logged in and saw all my random posts, reading some of them in the SCHOOL CLASSROOM.

Most embarrassing thing when she told me because I was so... Ugh. I was just really shocked that she read it in class with others around! and then casually told me at lunch!

Luckily, no pictures showed up since the school computers are well, school computers.

I know for sure that the last post I had included a giant picture of Jinyoung (a super cute one by the way), so I was like, thank God that did not just pop up in a class!

Geez...she might even be reading this right now... *shy* DON'T READ THIS IN CLASS!!!!!

Seriousy, when she told me my brain was like...



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sarangjinyounghalbae #1
hahaa, i know right!! that's why sometimes, i don't like having a real friend as a friend in a site(where i do suspicious things) and then she can see the things that i'm saying...