bad day

omo!!! my phone now allows me to write here! its in awesome xd anyway damn i feell so hungry now i miss both my lunch and dinner yesterday and i miss my dinner because my beloved mom! how can she ask me to eat only cereals at night she want me to get thin so badly and if that is what she really wants then fine im gonna starbe myself until im very thin!! its not m fault to be fat !! i was born like this its in my genes!!! just becuse both my siblings are malnourished  should be like them!!!! damn it , did she even know my first love is food!!!!!!

okie scratch that, i love my mom definitely but i hate the way she handle things, im someone who hates to be ordered around , im somehow self-centred ill die if i wont voice out my concerns!!! i like to do things my way!!!! and i really have bad temper when im hungry, but thanks to poshteen for making my day :)

i dont write juicy blog postor juicy fics, ive got little readers Nd subscribers i know that !!! im not a good writer either, i only get C for my english compo but my compre pulls it up so i tend to get B !!! im a lousy one aint i? xd


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