the kpop me


Copied from raynie~


Who my first ever k-pop bias was. 


T.O.P (it would be henry but i was barely into kpop at that time so)



My first k-pop music video.


It may be snsd's gee or bigbang's haru haru. God that was so long ago i can barely remember.



Favourite k-pop girl group.


i don't really have a favorite girl group but if i had too choose one, i guess snsd.



Favourite k-pop boy group.


EXO <3



K-pop Idol who I’d like to be my brother/sister


Zelo B.A.P (Younger Brother)

Taeyeon (Elder Sister)

Zhang Yixing (Elder Brother)



Favourite k-pop label. 





The last k-drama I watched. 


Full house take 2 (omg pls go watch if you haven't)



The music I listen to other than k-pop. 





Couple I want to see on we got married.





Favourite Korean actor.


Jang Geun Suk



How many Korean albums I have. 


5ish. i barely buy any albums sigh.


How long I’ve been listening to k-pop.


since 2009 i think... so 4 years?



I’ll tell you a random Korean artist I like.





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