Melody Application


AFF Username: Xoxo424
Name: Johnnell
Your Character
Name: Mi Sun
Nickname: susu
Age: 15
Birthday:  April 24, 1997
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 55
Place of birth:  New York
Home place: New York
Ethnicity: Korean, American
Languages / fluency: English (fluent), Korean
Pretty Boy or Girl
Ulzzang: Lee Chin Hwa
Pictures: 1   2  3
Back up Ulzzang: Choi Haneul
Pictures: 1  2  3
Style: 1  2  3
casual, girly, simple. Like shorts or jeans with a cute top and sneakers or boots.
About me
Personality: Bubbly. She is always happy and doesnt like to be alone. She is really nice but when she gets annoyed, she can be cold. She is the romantic type and likes to do Fun things. She doesnt like to be inside alot, she loves the outdoors and is very creative. She cares about people and loves to laugh. She likes to learn and practice to improve her skills. Mi Sun especially likes to eat .
* surprise parties
*making people laugh
*messy rooms
*being alone
Family: (optional)
[Name, Age, Relationship]
Siblings: Mi Yuri, 16, Sister ( image )
Sibling Personality: Protective, responsible, loves to be around people, and is very energetic when she is excited or in a happy mood. Yuri hates to see someone cry, it makes her want to cry also. She never misses a day of school and always gets perfect grades. She likes to dance and go to parties when she is not studying for school.
Friends: Catherine, 15,best friend
Friend or best friends Personality: Catherine is bubbly and has been Mi Sun's best friend since age 6. She loves to shop, and go to parties and is very kind hearted. She always helps someone when they need it, even if they are cold to her. She is very calm in situations were someone would be mad. Catherine doesnt keep any secrets from her best friend and loves to plan surprise parties, for special occasions.
Talents:  rapping, dancing
Video for each talent: 1 
group or solo: group
I hope you like my application :], i really didnt know what to put for family.


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