Waiting for the day I break the scale of Random.


Welcome to my little world~

Actually, it's not all that little- just insane.

But welcome to it nevertheless!

I know your staring at your screen like "Ling, wtfudge are you doin' here?"

And the answer is simple, very simple.

*strolls by with hands in pockets* Jus' makin' another blog for you to throw your words in the comments of~

B| Like a random boss.

Yeah, 'cause that's possible.

Anyway~ first thing's first.


Did you all know that between those two- completely random- blogs (seriously, like question #2, not in the original plan when the idea popped into my head), I got more comments then I ever expected? Allow me to elaborate! (In the worst way I know how~ ;D)

Me: yeah, this is a great idea! *hits post for first blog after adding 'I'm so curious yeah~' to title line*

You guys: *actually answers the questions*

Me: *reads responses and feels honored that it wasn't completely ignored*

You guys: *oblivious to how honored I am*

Me: Okay, I'll respond now. *answers questions in a separate blog with an annoying color*

You guys: *reads despite the annoying font color and comments AGAIN*

Me: *stares amazed and doesn't know where to begin responding* I- you- that- you guys~~~<33333

Me: *slowly starts responding yet again before giving into sleep*

Me: (TODAY) O_O; *responds to the first two before making another blog*

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;D

Okay, I almost forgot what I was doing this blog for. Obviously the first thing was to thank you all, so let's do that first, okay?


Second matter of business.

(because the rest of this sounded so business-like and professional)

Ya'll should totally check this blog out:


*supporting friends, like a random, insane, Ling BOSS*


OH! *retreats back to the talking about yesterday's blog posts*

If you commented between last night and today, I'll add you in. I just have to actually get there first... *insert shifty eyes here*


I didn't forget about my promise. Hold me accountable, okay?

Every Sunday i'll write the number of Unique Subs I have as my status;



'kay, i'm done spamming ya'll now!<3

Thanks for being you!

Stay awesome!

Love and peace!



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Sariita #1
I now im awesome!! Lol Jk ;)