finally got a spare time...


I’m back!!! So uhhh I’ve been pretty busy in these past few days due to lots of school activities, projects and anonymous appointments… I’ll be much busier this week since I am the copyreader of our publication. I will have to do lots of editing, copy reading and proofreading for our publication’s due date is on October 12.

 Anyway since I am using the laptop during late hours or around 2 am onwards I became a lot sleepier than usual and end up becoming a walking zombie who hibernates every class hours… T.T that’s quite a heavy burden to me especially when we will be having our exams next week… to be able to avoid sleep problems, I changed my schedule and only used the laptop for a good 30 minute break… yeah, it is conventional but duhhhh… I wouldn’t be able to do everything in just a minimal amount of time! Hence, I only have short comments on the fics that I was able t read when having a sneak peek unto the story updates…

But I’ll try my best to be able to manage my time and gain more spare times so that I would be able to tend to all of my recent engagements… I promise to update soon enough… ^^


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Amoona #1
welcome back~
but u still need to relax & get more time to sleep
dont fall sick & good luck with ur school work
Hi there! :)
Don't stress yourself too much ^^ I completely understand "having no time
Good luck on your exams- you won't be alone; I've got tons of exams and essays, too X__X XD