One Shot Journal Idea

You know how sometimes you get writer's block or you feel like writing something of a different plot? Well, I get that every now and then but it's nothing I would do a whole fanfic over. So, maybe I could start a "One Shot Journal." It's basically just a collection of one shots that I have written/will write that aren't really requests.
So they will be anything that comes to my mind. Inspiration and ideas from others are welcome, but I won't be using specific characters they give me. Since I'm currently writing 3 fanfics right now, it's kind of hard to stay on task but if I start the journal, I can keep writing and not have to not do anything with the current main fanfics right now.
In some previous blog posts, I posted 2 Horror Story Tests and a little one shot I did when I couldn't get to sleep at night. Those will most likely be included in the journal plus many more.
Tell me what you think of this idea! And if this relates to you, feel free to use this idea!
Currently listening to: the silence of the classroom (oddly enough, this class has never been quiet)


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