Valentines Day

Lol I'm doing this thing on Facebook where I got people to inbox me a number and then I tell them what I would do with them on Valentines day XD It's kind of funny.

But its only funny until someone random pops up and is like "What about me?" And I'm like, "Aw , aren't you that one random dude in my careers class? -3- "






Oh gosh... I don't even know :T 
I don't know you that well so uuhhh.... CHEESINESS ALERT
We'd probably go on a really cliché movie date and I'd steal all your popcorn ;) 
Cuddles, giggles and a kiss good night? Sounds about right :P

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This is what I sent him. Nailed it.


How's your Valentines day going to be? Forever alone with nothing but y Asian man all over your computers? ;) 

Me too ;~;




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We can all be together alone *lols but is dying*
oops... LOL forver* i guess im really turning asian
that sounds about right. #foreberalone