
Hello XP


Have you ever just couldn't? I know that's not a very good sentence. But I couldn't. I couldn't sleep last night after I saw the B.A.P come back, I couldn't get over how hot, delicious, good, happy they made me, awesome, y, spectacular (many more things). I couldn't watch it again because I was too excited. I couldn't stop singing it at work today. I couldn't stop talking about it to my best friend *we even skyped about it right after we watched it together, even if it was about 1500+ miles apart) I couldn't.

YoungGuk was just soooo ARGH!

Himchan's MOST GORGEOUS video to D.A.T.E <3

Daehyun was beautiful.

YoungJae you -ahem-

Zelo....ah baby Zelo where did you go!? You were so grown! And HAWT. <3 <3 <3

JongUp...thank you, thank you for bringing back the dance to B.A.P

YoungGuk's and Zelo's raps where the best, ZELO! You're scorpion move..... -melts-....

Himme had so many lines!!!!!!!!

I can't continue....


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