Simply Amazing News.



For those who don't know, I play alot of sports.

But volleyball is my 'specialty' sport. Last season I made it on the varstiy team as a freshman, and played against juniors and seniors. And, even better, we placed 8th place in State Champs.

However, two summers ago I injured my arm, and then it got better. But then, during the very last game of State volleyball, i injured it again.

And it's not like it's a bone injury where it can heal and , I injured my ulnar nerve.

It's a long story.

Anyways, I had to go though an MRI on Wednesday and the results came back today.

And guess what?

It's bad.

Like, worse than before.

Isn't that just great?

OH and guess what else?

I might not be able to play volleyball again (as my neurologist told me).

And do you know what's even better?

Last season college coaches were watching me play volleyball, and one even went up to me and started to get to know me and stuff. Do you know how good of  a sign that is? They started looking at my grades and going to my games to watch me play to see if I can qualify for the team in the future.

My current coach and I even started talking about sport scholarships, (even though I'm only a freshman).


So when I heard, "Yeah, you should stay away from playing any sports because we don't want this to happen again." I broke down.

Volleyball is honestly the only thing I'm never upset/mad about.

Everything else pisses me off.

I'm pretty sure the only sport I can do is golf.

And god knows I at that.


For now all I know is that I need to undergo surgery and then go through how-many-months of physical therapy.














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Oh my gosh, I hope it will get better soon! I mean, I will be ____ing sobbing if I am prohibited to play any sport, especially the one I'm compassionate about >.>
Fighting! I know how you feel kinda. :/ A couple years back I hyper-extended my knee and popped it outta place, nearly ripping my ACL or some other ligament in my knee. It took me a while but it finally healed. And I was able to join back in cheerleading. I think you'll be ok, you just gotta hope for the best! ^^ I'll send you luck :)
hey we got the same interest...
i'm so addicted to volleyball once i started
but yeah,,i have to stop to
just because of my study...
and your reason was even worse...
i really wish you will get well soon
and start to play again...