My Freaking awesome Birthday...

Whut the HeLL... I just knew that my birthday.. IS THE MAKNAE OF EXO'S BIRTHDAY TOO?? How come ApriL 12(My birthday) Is EXO-K's SEHUN'S BIRTHDAY! Omonaaaa!! Son Of God! You're kiLLing me with my FeeLs! I became an EXO fan 8 months ago( It started in JuLy 28! My cousins birthday) , but.. Jesus! TeLL me! Why did'nt I know it?! I'm so damn Lucky... ! OMG! He's just a year oLder than me! (He's a 94Liner whiLe i'm a 95er!) Thanks to my dongsaengggieeee MoonLightwriter! Because you are the one who first reaLized my Birthday is same with Sehun's!! I reaLLy stiLL can't beLieve it... :DDDDD


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awwww unnie *huggles*
you're super lucky to have the same Bday as the adorable Sehun maknae :D