
Haha Okay so how many of you know and/or watch GLEE?

Yes i mean the singing and dancing show with the mean lady who yells and throw dirts at the Glee Students! That one! XD


Anyways well remember how my 3rd period is my tutor class. Well they say i cant be a tutor and TA so they say once the Show Choir class aka GLEE class is develope, i'll be move in as a student!

And here i am! This week was the first week of it! I was the only student and now there's 3! Oh MY SHINee! i know right! makes a big difference! XD

Anyways my two guy friend decided to do a 3 person Trio/Show/etc and they needed me! Even when itold them no one million times since i dont like people hearing me sing but guess what they keep asking and i finally gave in!

Aren't i just too nice to them! So now the GLEE class have 3 students and is practicing a song! I'm not happy about it since its taking my precious time away from AFF while im at school but hey i did have fun with them. Well our first song this year is "Lucky" By Jason Mraz ft Colbie Caillat. You know the one Onew sang with Lynn or something! XD lol.

So hopefully we sound fine since our teacher is a Adcance Choir teacher in our school! XD

Sorry about ranting about this class! XD lol.

if i'm nice enough and we're able to reacord in the ADV Digital Media Class studio then i'll post it up for you guys to hear! ^_^



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Wow so interesting !! Hwaiting !!
OH! :D I'm doing something kinda-ish like that! For advance drama I'll be in a radio drama! "The fall of the house of usher" by edgur allen poe. I'm a sound techi ^_^ It's way harder then you'd think! We'll preform during out pear festival and also be on the radio!
Good Luck!!
Woww. Gleeness. xD My teacher is making my vocals class watch Glee and pick songs from it to sing. O_O.
Sounds like fun. ^^