Another Challenge to Cliches!

Just finished another fic (Hide Your Past For Me)! The people who read it might not know, but that certain fic was my challenge to memory loss cliches haha. I think I did well too!

What challenge to cliches should I do next? Any suggestions?

By challenge on cliches, I mean that I take what could have been a cliche story and making an uncliche one- it sounds a bit stupid, but I really like to do it haha.

I think I'm going with a B1A4 s*x slave challenge this time! Mainly because I feel like I've read a lot of those haha. Other thoughts or suggestions?

I don't know, lately, I just like writing more sad and emotional things for some reason haha. I wonder where my original fluff has traveled to!


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U should I love ure FANFICS make sure it's jinyoung
you should make a b1a4 ___ slave one!!:3