About the Author(no awsome title nope)

Where to start...hmm well let's start with family.


(BORING SKIP IF YOU WANT)My family is insane, for starters. They are hilarious and so much fun I would never change them. If i could live my life again i would want them again for a whole 'nother life time. They are amazing, supportive, and just irreplaceable. My is family also extreamly mixed, It would be a lie to say that I am from one country because in fact we are so mixed i don't really know what we are. They like to identify themselves with the dominican culture, because my grandmother's father is venezuelan, he was the son of a general of a venezuelan dictator. His father was the right-hand man of this dictator and he wanted no part of this and fled venezuela, giving up all his rights on his family fortune. CURSE HIM and the oil mines and castles that where once my families belong the government. Does that make me royalty? O W O So he moved to dominican republic where he married a woman of indian and spanish desent(she's blonde). They had my grandmother (red-head) and then my grandmother married my grandfather who is half spanish half African(Like 4 realz his mom migrated from Africa to dominican republic). So that makes my mother...Venezuelan/Spanish/African/Indian? Then my mother decided to marry my father who is Italien/Spanish/with some asian in there. Which can clearly be seen in my eyes. LOL. So what would you call me? dominican? I think NOT.

-inhales dramatically- OK SO!

I will not reveal my real name because i am underage. Maybe later. I live currently live in the united states, i spent my last 4 years in dominican republic. I speak Spanish/English/Some French/ and Some Korean/ and some Italien. I understand ALOT of korean because i practically lived with my korean friend, so I understand alot. I can write and read some as well. I'm going to visit korea soon to learn the language officially tho. My mother thinks it's a waste to not learn it completely. I am currently taking french in school. NOW ABOUT MYSELF. I'm a really cold person on the outside,(in reality) I can't stand corny things, I dont like saying 'I love you' To anyone. I hate hugs. I don't even hug my mother. She doesn't like hugs either LOL. I'm very hyper and funny, and sarcastic. Everyone enjoys being around me because of my jokes and comments. But when I'm online I'm a whole 'nother person. I'm shy online, I get sad easily, I'm very eager to please, and little things make me happy. I write carefully and am always nice even if someone is rude to me. I usually don't care about anything but i really take to heart what my followers and friends say. It frustrates me sometimes how soft I get when i'm online I'm not sure why. I come off as awkward sometimes because i try not to blunt, but i really am. ^^ I really want to buy a siberian husky and i own a leopard gecko. I enjoy singing and dancing, I've always wanted to record myself doing a dance cover or song cover but i never really do...I plan on studying law, even though i enjoy drawing so much. I also love the ocean, even though it scares me. And i have so much Fic ideas and Drawing Ideas that I just wish i could share it with all of you but writing XDD I'm also in the process of convincing my parents to home school me, but i think they want to move back to europe. SO IDK FOR NOW.

<333 luv u guys~ bye.



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