Nutty Quiz


1. Are you a morning or night person? *hoot hoot (yeah, an owl)

2. Ninjas or pirates? Johnny Depp or Lee Joon? ugh... so hard...

3. What was your favorite childhood television program? Martin Mystery (tho my dad says dat its creepy?)

4. Any food dislikes? Fish skin. BLECCCHHHHH

5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Fire, like.. Kai, I think? nyahaha

6. What is usually your first though when you wake up? I wanna SLEEP

7. What is your favorite color? Red

8. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. No. Mebbe.

9. Have a any bad habits? No, I’m perfect.JK. yeah, i bite my nails alot.

10. Biggest pet peeve? wen ppl hit me on de head, i go INCREDIBLE HULK

11. Any celebrity crushes? Yeah, Bang Yongguk, Lee Donghae and Onew (im a er for deep voices n awesome vocals)

12. Clean or messy person? Im too awesome to be neat. haha

13. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? BAP's dorm.

14. Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid. You look cute when you're chubby

15. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult. Being able to tower over other bullies and knowing dat they cant bully u no more. Hah, outgrew you, es. (slaps self for harsh vocabulary)

16. Any regrets? Didnt insist on learning how to dance in middle school.

17. What was one of your favorite foods as a kid? Baked chicken and oranges. nyam nyam

18. What would be your dream job? Own a billion-dollar entertainment company? haha *sobs

19. What would your last supper be? a plate of oranges. (i sound like a monkey)

20. Ever wish you were born the opposite ? If so, when and why? yes! I'd like to show guys how to treat girls right instead of them buying books for dummies and reading them with torchlights under covers.

21. Name 1 thing not many people know about me. I'm an orange maniac and I have a morbid taste wen i write school assignments.. i dink. after all, my teacher did freak out for a year after she read my essay on a car crash.(dang, i shud have let the splintered spine out)


My awesome time.... WASTED. haahaa *slapped

BTW, i updated the Invasion Plan and Entangled. Go check it out? :)



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For question 5, Chanyeol's power is fire, Kai's power is teleportation! ^^