I won ^^

So recently i have won a medal for marathon , hooray ! yeah yeah yeah ! ^^

It's hard to win because it's sport school and i'm just one of the academic student :)

When i win , the sport student was like "Isn't that academic student ? " ,

"How she can win ?" , "You should join sport program " and i smile from ear to ear for my achievement , keke ~

I got no 13 , thanks to my stamina also KPOP !

want to know the secret of mine ? When i run , 

1.I run alone leaving my friend behind (Selfish , yes ! This year i must :P)

2.must take a few biscuit or food for breakfast , (Avoid faint )

3.Do strech up , or you might injured while run 

4.Drink a lot of water before run

And no 5 , is my secret weapon !


well when i run , i put my headphone on ..And guess what song was playing during  my marathon ..

of course EXO ! keke , thanks for EXO song .. It does boost up my spirit to keep run run and run :)

And this is my medal :)

(At last i got a medal from my school TT.TT , it's hard to win.You know ?Sport student always conquer the sport event T.T )


Other than that , i want to announce about the sequel of the story .. I might do it but !

It's short one .. Want season 2  of   My Guardian , Soulmate and fate [Complete]  ?

Well i have a plan for it , but you must wait and wait since this year my big exam as i mention before , right ? 

For the short sequel , hehe .. Hope you wait for it ! Date ? Not confirm yet since my scedhule seem like want to kill me.

Well just this year i will suffer for study a little :P After exam , surely i will do it !

-Cherish your life-



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Super yesssss !
and and and CONGRATS ON YOU MEDAL :))
YAY SEQUEL I CAN'T WAIT~~~ btw--- I LOVED THE STORY MY Guardian, Soulmate, and Fate~~~~ <3