Work hard finally paid off. care to read?

So today, (9th February 2013) .. I was going out with my friends at the mall, planning to watch a movie,.Hansel and Gretel. But before we go into the cinema, the three of us just walk around, window shopping etc; when I heard my mobile phone ringing. It was my sister and she said that mom received the text message of my exam results from the government. So I panicked while my friends were fussing in our whatsapp group chat asking if it's true. My sister tsked through the phone and said that I should go to my school instead to look at them. But Since the movie was about to start we just rush upstairs. On our way,my friend stopped and said that our friend sent us our result picture. OMG.....we panicked and wait for it to download. As soon as we looked through, both of my friends hugged me and squealed!! "JIMJIM!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU GOT 8 CREDITS OUT OF 9!!!!" who wouldn't be happy about it?? So as I went home after hours spending time at the mall, my grandparents congratulate me. As what my grandmother promised me if i have high marks,she'll give me $10. And then my grandfather gave me $100 all of a sudden. But the best thing was, i got my wish.. hugs from my parents and grandparents and a kiss on my cheek from my mom. I finally proved myself that i can do it. So you all will too!! For those who read this,thank you!


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devfdhefirgvfdk CONGRATTTTSSSS! <3 <3 I'm happy for you too ;u;
Aigoooo, congrats Jimmah!!! <3
aikvjndjnojsnfc baby congrats o u o - huggles -
Kyaaaaaa congrats <33