keep or scrap


so last friday i was essentially hit with inspiration for a new fic! yay

i had made a blog post last week about it but not a lot of people voted on my poll so it's down below 

this fic would be heavily inspired by dreamwork's the road to el dorado and disney's atlantis: the lost empire

these are two of my favorite animations and i'd really like to make an AU revolving around these settings

but before i get too ahead of myself, i'd like some input on the matter:

please take the poll or (and i'd really appreciate it if you did) comment with your feelings and ideas regarding this possible story


please and thank you!

(orz i know i'm being super undescript again but just think mexica/aztecs meets lost civilization with romance, adventure, fantasy and possible[?] drama)

ps it's hunhan


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You should seriously make an Atlantis fic, I'd love that. Atlantis is one of my favourite animations and it would have tons of potential and interest! I don't think anyone has done that yet either...
If you did, I think not only myself, but many people would enjoy an Exo adventure fic and c'mon Atlantis AU? What more could you ask for?