


Well, my newest story, the Taeyang is off to the editor, her internet is working now! So she'll be able to fit me in better. :) So that's something to be happy about. I got my first check today, so I have MONEY. But I had to go in at 6:30am today so I'm kind of tired lol. I only have one more day until a day off so I'm good for now. Don't wake me up when I crash though. I'm cranky (salty) when I don't sleep enough :P  


I am kind of sad though, it's something I've noticed. I was reviewing a story, and it was bad. I mean B.A.D, even if the writer wasn't a native English speaker.

...But they had 1145 or so views.

...100+ subscribers...


I mean the story has been up since like Sept something, but still, it makes me feel lacking. I love my 16 friends, and all who have commented and subscribed. Don't get me wrong on that. (Specially the upvoters!)

My most read story has 900 views, and 5% of that subscribed. 

It just...angers me a little that I triple! Triple! TRIPLE! Check my stories before they go out, make sure they feel good. But I barely scrap by. When others don't even BOTHER to proof read and everyone loves it. 

Sorry for the rant, I just sadsad. 


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when I see stories like that... *instant saltiness*
They just don't realize what good writing is on this website...
I feel that way sometimes too ;A;

Well, you are one of the BEST writers I have ever seen (with 2nd peron narr. Too!)
Hopefully more people actually SUBSCRIBE... (it's not that hard... authors have feelings too)