I was a Vampire Today owo

Today was my high school's annual blood drive and it went great! 

I spent the entire school day volunteering with my General Medicine class at the blood drive, helping the staff get donors in and out, registering donors, feeding donors after they gave blood, and helping the ones who fainted and got sick. It was so awesome!

Unfortunatly I couldn't give blood ;;;; because I have too low iron levels but next year hopefully!

By giving blood (they take exactly one pint) it saves three other lives! How great is that?! It was so easy; we had 267 donors show up today to give blood. In order to give, you have to be at least sixteen with parental consent and weigh at least 110lbs. Then they do a little physical to make sure you're eligible to give (there are certain situations where you won't be able to) and then they'll send you to get your blood drawn. I've done it before and it doesn't hurt at all, I promise you! Try it one day; you'll save lives!


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The aftermath of giving blood is.... a spinning world LOL I've been a donor once, and it doesn't feel anything when they took blood from you. And also the nausea took some time (maybe like 10-20 mins) to 'invade' your head, not immediately after you finished give blood.

Oh, and you cant be a donor if you're having your period or just a few days after having your period. I don't remember the exact time tho, maybe like a week or two after it?
LOL I misunderstood at first...but wow that is so awesome, I really wanna donate blood too, but I'm so scare of big needles lol!