

i do not care if this blog got anybody to read or not. because im totally do not care anyway eventhough im exactly disturb with this. i was home at 10 pm everyday lately which i always arrived at the office at 7.30am everyday lately too. but once i came home, the only thing i need after my mom and family is ofc friends. /smirk/ do i have one?.../shrug/

by looking at this /thanks to kyuhyun/.. dont you think its kinda 'home' because it felt like that. super Junior is my 'home'. many people always thought that home is a house,as a theory yes, it is a house but as a matter of fact, home is where you heart feel satisfy, just like this puple egg guy. he must be really happy staying with all his hyung which i bet thousands ELF has the same desire as me; to stay in this dorm while the boys is there and live their lifestyle as what they wanted to be, because we just wanna be their 'audience :)

before im getting really more insane. better im off now.
























what im saying -___-


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