Little help here


So, no, this is NOT an emergency. 

I'm just kind of hungry for karma points (who cares about an artistic temperament and the joy of writing when you can GAIN something? muahaha~) and I was wondering if you know any good writing contests

I'm super busy, so I'd probably use on my existing stories or an oneshot. 

But I kind of wanted to take part in one. 

Well, that's it really. 

Sorry if this was a waste of your time.



PS: Also, what is up with people putting weird rules like 'If your pairing is , I'm subtracting points'  or 'If your pairing had an SNSD member in it I'm taking points off' in contests? I find this seriously rude. If you only want to read certain pairings, just make a contest about those pairings.


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Ummmmm~ Im entered into the contest called "Let's Write to this Modest Proposal" but the deadline is pretty soon, so you'll have to eneter in the next round in March c:
I don't know very many contests that would be good ones, but 'Open the Box Writing Contest' is one. They have just ended the first round or box, but they have a new one open for this month that you can join. They are pretty lenient with the rules and you can write . They give away karma and real merchandise. A really popular one is 'The Sky is the Limit Writing Contest' a lot of good writers I've seen participate in that one. I never participated in it myself, but the prizes are real merchandise and I don't remember if they give karma or not. I hope these helped you.