Application for Easy Answers


AFF Username: Lullabye

AFF Profile Link: 

E-mail: ichigorox101 [at] aol [dot] com


Name: Jun MiHi

Nickname: Bella

Age&Birthday: 17 years old | 3/14/1994

Blood type: AB-

Place of birth: Florence | Italy

Ethnicity: Korean | Italian

uality: Biual

Appearance: Ulzzang: Mikki


Height: 168 cm

Weight: 49.8 kg



Spoken languages: Korean-Fluent | Italian-Fluent | Japanese-Conversational

Personality: MiHi is much louder then she should be, and whenever possible will break any silence in the room. She isn't bubbly, but rather a jokester. She won't complain[much] when told to do something. She's a bit overdramatic, but that's just her way of joking around. MiHi tends to match her emotions to those around her. If someone becomes upset, mad or extremely anxious, it's likely she will as well. MiHi can't take people seriously. It's just a part of who she is. If someone says, "I really like your hair!" she'll brush it off and say it's just a style that's popular. That being so, she isn't very gullible or trusting. It takes her a long time to trust someone, but in the end it will be worth it. Although she doesn't seem it, she's a hard worker and will never back down from a challenge.



Family background: When MiHi Jun was born on March 14th 1994, it was was dark and stormy night..  her parents fought over what to name her. Isabelle wanted to name her after her grandmother, while Chul-Soo wanted a name that actually matched her. They ended up having the doctor decide which name she should have. Isabelle threw a book at Chul-Soo when he won, but that's not important...

As MiHi was growing up, she learned both Italian and Korean as soon as she could start speaking. Isabelle started calling MiHi "Bella" whenever possible, hoping she may stop responding to MiHi. When MiHi was ten years old she and her family moved back to South Korea. MiHi wasn't happy leaving behind her friends, but they promised to stay in touch. When she turned thirteen MiHi told her parents she was biual. And so the story continues..

Parents: •Isabelle Jun|Mother|Age 48|Nurse| Isabelle and MiHi have problems getting along. It's probably because of their disagreements when it comes to loving someone of the same gender. Isabelle believes only a man and woman can love each other, and due to MiHi's choices, isn't exactly fond of her daughter.

•Chul-Soo Jun|Father|Age 51|Lawyer| Unlike MiHi's mother, Chul-Soo is perfectly fine when it comes to getting along with MiHi. He spent much more time with MiHi, therefore when MiHi was chosen to become a trainee, Chul-Soo almost forbid MiHi to become one. MiHi and her father keep in touch almost every day via webcam. Chul-Soo doesn't know his wife forced MiHi to try out. 

Siblings: n/a 


Audition: MiHi's mother actually forced MiHi to try out at various companies, believing that by MiHi becoming a trainee, she would eventually stop being biual. JYP flat-out rejected her. That didn't stop Isabelle from getting her daughter to become a trainee. She trained MiHi herself to ensure she was chosen wherever she would try-out next. During the audition with Peekaboo Entertainment, MiHi made a mistake while dancing but played it off as if it was a part of the coreography. They seemed to enjoy how her voice cracked at certain places, saying it would be a fresh change to the music world. She was accepted as a trainee soon after her audition.

 Trainee background: MiHi was a trainee for four years. She wasn't quite active before becoming a trainee, so a big focus of her training was stamina and breathing. She learned how to play the bass during training, which is the main reason for her long time as a trainee. When it came to vocal lessons, the instructor was puzzled as to why her voice cracking couldn't be fixed. This was the other reason for her long trainee time. She did quite well with foreign language classes, possibly because she already had learned two languages.

How long were you a trainee? 4 years 


Stage name: Bella

Position: Bassit; Lead vocals | the rest are taken?

Persona: The Dramatic Jokester | The Flexible Musician

Personal fanclub: Vioella(s) [Viola + Bella]

Personal fanclub colour: Royal Purple or Orange


  • MiHi is openly biual.
  • MiHi has hypermobility[double-jointed].
  • Not only does MiHi play the bass, she plays the viola.
  • Her ideal guy would be Onew from SHINee, her ideal girl is kept a secret
  • MiHi has slight anxiety.
  • MiHi constantly carries around her 3DS.

Past/ pre-debut experiences: n/a 



  • Playing her viola
  • Reading fantasy books
  • Making people laugh
  • Coming up with new jokes
  • Improving her singing
  • Bannana milk



  • Feeling sick to her stomach
  • Oranges
  • Her voice cracking while singing
  • Her mother
  • Homophobics
  • Being away from her father
  • People who insult her friends or family




  • Playing video games
  • Telling stories from Italy
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Talking with her friends from Italy
  • Watching stand-up shows


  • Chewing gum whenever possible
  • Wearing a jacket in public
  • Jiggling her leg up and down
  • Cracking her fingers
  • Picking at her nails


  • Throwing up
  • Having an axiety attack in public/on a show/at a stage
  • Someone close to her getting severely hurt
  • Losing contact with her friends from Italy




Partner: C.A.P. from Teen Top | Cha Sun Woo  from B1A4 | Kim MyungSoo from Infinite

Friends: Arietta Akree from Italy | Alessandro Akree from Italy | HyunA from 4Minute

Rivals: Jessica from SNSD 


Requests: I didn't put this up in partner's because I figured it might fit here better.. I have a request about MiHi's partner? Is it possible to have Jae-Yoon from Chocolat as MiHi's partner? i'm sorry for asking..

Questions/concerns: I wanted to explain the whole, "Isabelle forced MiHi to try out in hopes she would 'stop' being biual." thing just in case you wouldn't understand it... Since homouality isn't exactly a popular thing in South Korea, Isabelle assumed MiHi would be to scared to admit she was biual. Obviously her plan backfired, since MiHi is openly biual.


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thank you for applying^^ the female partner is okay :] i was kind of hoping someone would go for bi instead of the usual straight, so im really happy with this app.
one more question; i've been thinking of adding a fifth member to easy answers and i'd like to know if you're interested in being the keyboardist+backing vocals since i've already chosen the bassist? please answer asap. thanks^^