Clashion Application



  little about you

Aff Username; ImADummyWTF
Profile link; (WTF)


  this is me

Name; Moon Gi Sung | Chang Li Ty
Nickname; GiGi - Since he like calling (e.g. Zi) ZiZi.

Sung Ah Young - (it was originally spelled Sung Ha Jung but it was changed) since he can play the guitar like Sung Ha Jung, and take note, he's a fan.
Age; 19
Hometown; Daegu, South Korea
Date of birth; March 29, 1994
Nationality; Korean - Chinese
Language; Korean - Chinese - Conversional English and Basic tagalog

 Yea, I act like this

Personality; He always say lame jokes but sometimes his jokes can be very funny. He is sensitive and fragile, he likes to cry. He have this habit of sticking his tongue out and /biting his lips. He is a hard-sleeper, he can sleep in a burning house without him knowing that it was burning. He is really forgetful, even forgotten his age. He is naughty, prankster, troller, funny all in one but he have this charisma that no one can be mad at him a day. He is like Chanyeol, he's a happy virus. He is a troublemaker. He likes teasing people but hate it when people . He was never showy but because of his rapping talents, he overcome his shyness.

He thought being in-charge is a hard responsibility so, he never experienced to be a leader, EVEN ONCE. He have a body that can handle a sport but keep on complaining that sports are tiring and hard. He have motion-sickness so he needs to sleep during a trip or riding a vehicle. He have common sense but he doesnt want to use it, he likes being dumb as possible as he can. He likes hanging out with people like him. GiGi is not gay but he likes hanging out with his hyungs and dongsaengs. He is scared of girls because of his sisters since he is the only boy.

He is like Sunny because he is aegyo-ish. He do aegyo even at unexpected and hard times, he thinks it can make them happy. You wont believe this but he can do a high note. He doesnt like wearing contact lense so he'll pretend he lost them. He likes imitating girl voices and dressing up like a girl.



Dislikes [5+]; •Cats
•Strict people
•Spicy foods
•Chocolate cakes
Likes [6+]; •Bubble Tea
•Creating a fight
•Being girly
•Dressing up like a girl
Fear [5+]; •Agliophobia
Fun Facts/Trivia [6+]; •His height is 182 cm
•He was once admitted to the hospital due to food being stucked in his throat because of laughter
•He was stalked by Tiffany's fans because Tiffany and GiGi likes to hang out.
•He was once asked between Tiffany and Jessica.. He'll choose... Taeyeon.
•He was once locked up in a storage at his school campus.


 On stage

Stage Name; Gisung
Position/Persona; The rapper
Fan Club Name; Gisung-o-holic (unofficial)
Fan Club Colour; lllll lllll (unofficial)
Fan Club Symbol; (unofficial)


 my apperance
Ulzzang name; Kevin Woo
Ulzzang appearance [5+]; | | | | | |

Back-up Ulzzang name; Kang Min Hyuk
Back-up Ulzzang appearance [5+]; | | | |

Casual Appearance [2+]; |
Practice/ Training Appearance 
[2+] | 
Formal Appearance [2+]; |
Bedtime Appearance [2+];



Parents; Father; Moon Tae Ki | 40 | CEO

                  Mother; Chang Li Lae | 39 | Professor
Sibling/s; Moon Gi Rae | 28 | Nurse

                     Moon Gi Tae | 24 | Student
Friends; Bae Suzy | Idol

Goo Hara | Idol

Jung Daehyun | Idol

Bang Yongguk | Idol

Park Jong Dae | Idol

Park Tae Jun | Ulzzang

Bestfriends; Tiffany Hwang | Idol

Jessica Jung | Idol

Lee Chi Hoon | Ulzzang

Kang Minhyuk | Idol

Lee Sung Jong | Idol

Xi Luhan | Idol



 More info

Trainee years; 1 year and 4 months
How is your trainee life?; It was kind of tiring but it was worth it!
Pre-debut info;--


 love interest


Love interest [Name | Age | Group ];--
Personality of Love Interest;--
Back-Up Love interest [Name|Age|Group];--
Personality of Back-up love interest;--
Favourite kind of Date | Ideal Date;--
Ideal Girlfriend;--
Love Rival;--

Status of Relationship [Ongoing | Have Not Met | Have Met are Good Friends | Have Met but not close ];--


 Anything else?

Comment/Sugesstion; B.A.P - Warrior | B.A.P - Stop it | Angel (into your world) - Exo K | 
Anything else you wan me to know more about your character?; Nothing ..
Scene/Plot request; More GiGi/All members moments. A meeting with some girl. Cross-dressing. 


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Omg!~~ You used my Kevin wooooooooo~!! > O < omgsadklsadlkj daebak~