Happy New Year!

Just saying something short to all of my friends and, if there is, anyone else who stumbles across this blog.

First, I know it's not time for that yet (it's two days away!) but I'm just going to wish it now because I'll be away for the weekends, and, possibly, the whole of next week (*sobs* first dragged along for family business and then holiday, which is mostly shopping for my mom).

Second! I know I don't celebrate it, but hey, my friends and a lot of others do, and what's wrong with wishing them? It's not that I personally celebrate it or engage myself into the celebration or something, so...


Happy Lunar New Year to all my Asian friends!!! (that celebrates it)

As the Chinese say, Gong Xi Fa Cai!

And to those who doesn't celebrate it, Happy Holidays! (if you have one. I have a whole week off here. Wee~~)



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