How to gain Inspiration?



I'm suffering from writer's block and it's killing me T.T

These days I can't sleep that well because my mind kept urging me to come up with ideas for my stories. I can't though because nothing came up into my mind. None. No matter how hard I try to forget about it, it keeps crawling back into my head and I swear it's driving me crazy!

I think every writer in AFF had experienced this before so I really wanna listen to your opinion about suffering from writer's block and how you guys managed to be inspired in writing stories or coming up with brilliant ideas. ^.^



Sincerely, Myeongsss


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Inspiration will come when you least expect it. I always get great ideas when I'm in the shower because that's where most ppl do their thinking. haha
And I agree with strawberryrain. Divergent thinking is another way to gain new ideas. You just need to explore all the possibilities of one or another idea to get new ideas.
It's always best to start a story from a character or a trigger incident though. For instance, a body of a woman was found this morning near the condominium estate. This can act as your trigger incident and from there, there are many possibilities as to why, how, who is/are involved. You can expand to so much more from one single idea or even character. It all depends on what you choose to mold it into^^
Park_HyeSun #2
Well, ideas can't be forced. XD Usually ideas come to my head when I'm doing other important things - studying, listening to teacher, in the car and et cetera.

Sometimes it can start with the simplest object or statement. ^^ Like uh... In one of my stories, I was writing about "What if we could talk to people we've never met before with our minds?" and another was exploring the importance/redundancy of repetition. Maybe your idea can even start from a plot twist! Your idea can even birth from the objects in your room; like what if that book had an important, long-lost letter between its pages.

OTL I hope you sort of understand what I trying to say.

I know what you mean though. Most of the time I am "haunted" by my stories because of my overwhelming urge to write it out but I just don't have the time. :c

Don't worry! A writer's block will not last long. Be glad for the stopped flow of ideas, because sometimes we get the best ideas after it. :D
you can't force an idea to come out in your head. an idea will come eventually when it needs to. but staring at an object for a long time can give you ideas too. hehe ^^ hope that helps.
But i think the best thing to do is just write, or continue your story, and as you get the flow of it, new ideas will pop into your head and you can instantly write it. because that was what the writer Charles Dicken did. he never had a complete plot for alomost all of his stories but he kept writing and his works are what we read until today. >.< don't worry about your writing style and all though because you can always edit it again.