


1. What is your name?

jibsaram0019 (formerly jibsaram0109)

2. How old are you?

I'm 20 as of now

3. What are your hobbies?

Drawing, editing stuff (photoshopping), cooking, surfing the net, yada yada~

4. What is your favorite color?


5. What is your favorite food?
Ice cream


6. What is your favorite drink?

Mmm... Coffee keke and... Okay fine soju~

7. What year are you in school?

I'm in college

8. What is your favorite school subject?

In college, Advertising Practice. When I was in high school, Biology

9. Do you have any special talents?

Hmm... Special like uncommon? Maybe paint

10. What is your biggest secret?

It wouldn't be a secret anymore now if I said it~

11. What is your most secret desire?

Hmm... It's a secret

12. What is the best dream you've ever had?

Hmm bed scenes? Euhehe~

13. What was the scariest thing you've ever encountered?

A doppleganger, really freaking scary. A doppleganger of my baby bro

14. Do you like to e-mail or chat online, or text message?

Not really~

15. What kind of movies do you like?

Romance and horror. No gore pls

16. What kind of humor do you like?

The funny kind?

17. How could you describe your personality?


18. If you could pick only 5 words to describe your life, what would they be?






19. What is the best movie you've ever seen?


20. What is your least favorite type of music?

Anything with a melody that's all over the place and shallow lyrics

21. Who is your favorite band?

The Killers

22. What is your favorite song?

Only one (english), Genie (korean)

23. What is your favorite animal?



24. What TV shows do you like?

Teen wolf, Pretty Little Liars


25. What is the best book you've ever read?

El Filibusterismo


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You're back! Lol
You're filipino? El Filibusterismo is great BTW