I hate life

so guys I need your help 


right now I hate life and everything that is around me, I hate my house, I hate my family, I HATE my school and obviously I hate my life! 

I have no emonitinal support from enyone in my family, I hate my mom because she doesn't even know me and I'm 17 I'm ing 17 and she stills thinks my favorite color is yellow!yeah it was but that was when I was 7! women what is wrong with you! and my dad doesn't even know what I like to eat! really I'm ing 17 almost 18 and this people doesn't know me at all! 


so I'm going to ask you guys 


should I dropout of school or do bad at school so that they at least know that I'm still alive? 






i really need help!!!!


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tranquilamongstchaos #1
Dongsaeng, I have been there and trust me, dropping out of school is one thing you don't want to do. When you see your friends, or even accuaintiences(sp), graduating you feel intense remorse. Not to mention, nothing makes you more independent than getting a future away from them. So don't give up. You can do so much! Fighting!
dropping out of school would only make worse it for yourself...Don't do that, you should think about your future and not to or donot study it just for your parents..oh bb such happens, maybe later will be better :/
Unnie, I know you don't know me but I want to help you. I know it might seem hard right now but there are many worse scenarios you can be in. Things could be worse, you at least have foods to eat and shelter. Right now it might be hard but it will always get better :) Don't do badly at school, school is the only thing that ensures you a happy future when you're free from your parents. Study hard and don't let anything bring you down, you can easily just talk to your parents if it's bothering you so much :)