hai (;

Ayo people :D

How are you guysss?(:

My day was fun today ahaha. Recess was like the best lol.

So I was talking to my best friend about X (remember her? yeah, that beech.) and I was like "She was walking with this hideous guy!" and I didn't notice that DJ and Jeret were walking by and like they both turned around at the same time, to me like I was talking about them. But I didn't dare to look back aha cause they might think it's really me xD It's just funny like I cracked up xD 

And  then the second time, me friend was calling her friend... His name is like Yoon or something. Anyways, she was calling his name and like Jeret walked from the basketball court on the left to the right side and he turned and i guess he thought she was yelled at him or something cause she was like "Where were you in science?!" and he was like "Huh...?" and i laughed again ahahaha. XD

Boys are soooo funny looool. We did the mile run today cause tomorrow was gonna rain and so the dumb teacher decided to switch it. -__- I got 11:15... Which is a B :p


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CuteyDuckey21 #1
Well, I didn't go to school again today although it's only like 5 weeks since it started :p