My Official letter to Shin Peniel


안녕하세요 Peniel~
"every single day you make my heart sway" 
Oh my gosh,where do I even start? Ugh,I'm feeling so nervous right now...I feel like my heart is pounding its way out with a hammer. Okay, I need to calm down... Well to start off let me introduce myself :D
My name is  Jennifer Nguyen, I'm really good at playing games because I like to win...hahaha you see what I did there? Nguyen,Win... I'm so cool~ Okay,thats enough.  Well,I'm a junior in high school right now,going to graduate in the following of next year. Yes, Senior status! WOOT WOOT!  Oh I'm also a dancer,I LOVE to dance...sometimes I feel like thats the only way where I can release my anger and express how I feel.  You know? Well,anyways how are you doing? are you still scarfing down those unhealthy, yet mouth watering junk food? Yeah,I saw what you posted on instagram. tisk tisk tisk... I'm just saying this because I care for you :) I don't even think this  the proper way of writing a letter...but its okay... I guess haha.
I hope your fellow Btob members are treating you well right? How are you and Sungjaeee? hmmm? (; hehe You and Sungjae are hilarious together and quite cute :) Oh and by the way,my friend Annie and Thuy told me to tell you,to tell Sungjae "안녕!!"...I hoped I worded that right...Whats is up with all these questions? =_=
Well Peniel, the reason why I'm writing this to you is because...I like you... Why did I just say that? this letter  wasn't suppose to be where I confess to you,what is wrong with me? know what? screw it...I already spilled the beans mind as well spill the rest. Okay, here is goes...Peniel, I know I never met you before but you're a really great guy. If I ever had a chance to met you,or even spend a day with you...that would be a dream com true. You been through so much,from coming to Korea not knowing much of korean,yet you still fought through it with a smile on your face. I applaud you for that, you're a really strong person,so always keep your head high and continue what you love to do. Everytime I think of you, my heart always flutter like how it is right now while I'm writing this to you. Peniel you have an amazing personailty,your're funny,you're VERY affectionate, and very extroverted. I don't know any other ways to describe you because you're so....oh my god... you always leave me speechless. I wish I was able to come to Korea and confess this to you in person,but instead I have to do it in this letter. Its better than nothing right? Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention your birthday is next month! and did you know you're birthday is three days before mines? and its also that same day Hyunsiks birthday~ When I found out that your birthday is the same month as mines I felt like  I was going to to explode with happiness.
I hope you were able to read this letter because I wrote a song  for you and I dedicate that it to you. Is that creepy because I wrote a song for you? I don't know,but I'm not quite done with it yet :)  so,I hope one day you will able to hear it hehe. You know,If I ever had a  chance to grant one wish in this world it would be to  by your side. I would love to spend every minute of my life with you. We could do all sorts of things such as eating a bunch of junk food together,haha and taking long walks down the park while the breeze of the wind  is blowing through your face and being able to see your breath taking smile. Oh your smile is unforgettable. I wish there was a way for me to know that you recieved and read my letter... or able just to see your face. *sigh* I just wish these wishes comes true.
Oh, and before I wrap things up this was my VERY first time confessing to a guy. Its wierd because If I like someone,I never want to let them know that I have fallen for them for some one reason...maybe I'm just shy? but...when I'm confessiong to was pretty easy for me show you how I feel.
Maybe,it was easier for me to let out my feelings because I'm writing this letter? Hmm, ehh I think I'm just confusing myself. Oh, guess last dance concert for this is month is in two weeks! YAY~ I'm very excited because my team is dancing to Adele,Turning tables. I'm sure you heard of this song before right? I wish you would be able to come~ Oh yeah! I totally forgot,silly me I forgot to mention that I am from the U.S and my BEST FRIEND is from Chicago. 
WOW,I wrote alot,I'm pretty sure you're getting bored now,right? Well,I guess I'll have to end this letter now. Even though I want to continue writing, I'm pretty sure your busy with your schedule so I'll just let it end here for now:)
Shin Peniel, I hope that one day, years from now, we'll meet each other.
Love,Jennifer Nguyen<3
BTOB 화이팅!!!


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yankee17zelo #1
cute ^^.....
aawww, is screams sincerity :) so cute ^^