Driving Woes and Food Fights

Sorry, this is kinda long. I went on a little rant...

So, I've recently began driving-- well, I've been driving kinda since 2011 but I actually am good at it now-- and let me just tell you: I ing hate it. I always thought driving would be easy. From my years in the passenger's seat, watching my father, my mother, and my older brother drive made driving look like a breeze. But oh no. The day I got in that driver's seat, the ugly truth was spilled to me.

I have the biggest headache right now after driving home from school. You have to look at everything all at the SAME TIME. The road, the speed, the cars behind you, the cars in front of you, the cars on the side of you, and everything in between. You have to pay attention to stop signs and street lights and speed limits and oh my god, it's just too much.

In other news, my school has recently been making headlines for a food fight gone bad. The senior class at my school, most of whom will graduating this upcoming May, planned a "food fight" that would take place during A lunch (my school has four different lunch periods to accommodate all of the students). The school administration caught onto these plans and warned the entire student populace BEFOREHAND that anyone caught throwing food will be arrested and given a hearing. 

I'm originally a B lunch student, but I had been given permission by my teacher to eat in A lunch that day, which was on Friday, February 1. Everyone in the cafeteria was nervous about whether it would still happen or not, considering three things: 1) students had been warned, 2) school administration officers were monitoring the cafeteria, and 3) it was the annual career fair, which meant important people from county offices and businesses were at our school. I can still remember watching a kid jump up onto a table, yelling "FOOD FIGHT!" and the entire cafeteria going crazy. It was a flurry; kids everywhere were running to protect themselves and other kids were throwing food. Purses and book bags were ruined, clothes were ruined, the cafeteria was COVERED in food. It was a big mess. But really hit the fans when officers began grabbing students, those who were throwing food, and began to arrest them under the charges of inciting a riot and disrupting school hours, which in America are misdemeanor charges and can get you expelled from school. Not suspended, but full on expulsion. 

Watch the video here.

Or just Google "ola high school food fight" It's all over. I'm so proud of my school. *sarcasm*

Ever since then, my school's been crazy. Students have started protesting against the school, news stations locally, nationally, and even a news website from the UK has publicized our school's little scandal, turning this food fight into a bigger problem.

Now since you've heard the story, here's my personal opinion. For one, I don't get the idea of food fights. They're gross. They're stupid. They basically bring us back to our primal roots, as if we were monkeys throwing our own poo at each other. I mean, c'mon now. We're too civilized of a population for that (Well, I can't speak for us all). Second, the thing that annoys me most is the ignorant students that think the students should be freed and the ignorant parents who think the school is taking this way too far. The students were WARNED that they would be ARRESTED! Not given in-school suspension. Not given out-of-school suspension. No, we're talking full on ARRESTED. I don't care what the hell you think is fair because frankly I don't know who told you life was fair. Parents are trying to say that they were "just being kids" but to be honest, your kids stopped being kids when they started cursing, doing drugs, having , getting drunk, and jumping up on damn tables and throwing food at each other. These "kids" are so quick to say that they're grown but the minute they get in trouble, "Oh, we're just being kids." Shut the up with all that. Just being kids? Kids, my . Parents need to stop defending their kids bad behavior. If they would've beat their bad asses when they first started acting up, maybe they wouldn't be sitting in jail now. Just saying...

I'm so ready to graduate and get out of this school...

I would like to clear, however, that despite this, my school is not a bad school. We have many honor students, an amazing fine arts program, state champions, and some of the highest AP passing rates in the state. So don't base assumptions off of my school just because a select bunch decided to show their asses and act crazy. My school is busted and annoying and I can't stand it, but I love Ola, I come from Ola Elementary, Ola Middle, and now I'm at Ola High and I'm glad that it's going to be my alma matter. Go Mustangs.


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LoL same here...driving is a headache for me too *since I l'm a rookie lol^^...and true that too...the whole kid bad behavior/poor parenting has been lingering on my mind, due to this chaotic reality that is setting in!
._. I need to watch that video later e n e
oh, wow, what stupid kids giving your school a bad name orz
when you said "Go Mustangs" my automatic thought, "MYERS PARK, BABY!" .____.v