Most Played Song~

So, yeah, I checked my most played song on my ipod and the winner is...


Mine by Jaejoong with...


12 951 plays!




Wait a minute. HOLY WHAT THE HAPPENED? IS THAT A ITUNES FAIL OR SOMETHING!? Like, the second one only has 153 plays. (That, I can understand, but over 10K? O_O) I know that I was obsessed with this song, but not THAT obsessed to play it all day all night long non-stop. O_O


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What, 12951, are you like
That obsessed, wouldnt that make it 51804 minutes which is 35 freaking days
How the hell did you get a month worth (i honestly dont think my calculating is accurate js) of Jae
Omg but jae is perf /crys
that's the magic of kim jaejoong. yup.