
Time to vent.

I'm pretty sick of people wanting to read nothing but . I've seen some pretty ty writing that gets so highly praised even though the author hasn't even bothered to reread it even once for basic spelling and grammatical errors. How does anyone enjoy reading that?

Perhaps I'm just a literary snob (unlikely) but I like writing to grab at me and pull me in, but this becomes impossible when there is a mistake every fifth ing word. I'm not even close to being a great writer, but I at least take the time to look over what I've written two or three times before posting something.

If you're not going to do your best then don't bother.

The worst of it is all these author notes with excuses for poor formatting or lack of puntuation and spell checking. It makes me so mad that people know it's bad but they post it anyway and expect not to be called out on it. It makes a reader a bad person to criticise an author who puts in the bare minimum effort and then demands subscriptions and comments.

You know what, I pray that people won't comment enough on those kinds of stories because maybe then they'll off.

If you're going to write, then use it as a chance to better yourself! Just remember that your readers don't owe you a thing. They especially don't owe you a detailed and glowing review of why they love your story when you haven't even bothered to use the correct 'there/their/they're' in a sentence.


I'm so done.


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