Block B 30 Day Challenge - Day 9

Hello AFF-ers! How are yall this fine day/evening/midnight? >.< wherever you are hehe

Thank you for joining me for the Block B 30 Day Challenge. This is Day 9 and here is the question of the day:

Day 9:  A member you think is the best rapper 


Alright, I am not gonna lie...Zico is frickin awesome. His flow is beautiful, he's amazingly talented especially for so young. He's definitely someone I admire.






My vote for best rapper will have to go to Kyung. I have a thing for late 80's/early 90's hiphop artists (A Tribe Called Quest, Digible Planets, Mos Def, The Roots, people of those likes) Kyung has that style about him. His flow is amazing, his mixtape was fire, his demeanor is chill. Just how I like my rappers.

P.O. knows what I mean XD

There's something so smooth about his raps and there's this...thing he does with his voice that I love. I can't explain it >.<

Here's some of my favorite Kyung tracks (click them! You know you want to...):


"Ghetto Boys Diss (Part 1)" This...I can't...beautiful

"Ghetto Boys Diss (Part 2)"

"Representing Mapo"  I loved it...


The crazy thing is...that dance used to be big when I was in elementary/middle school (the chicken head aka the hip thing)



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lolol park kyung the greasy cucumber strikes again! i love those tracks. out of all of them, i think my two favorites are ghetto boys diss track 1 and energizer. i love the line "no matter how many girls you say you've slept with, your ears are still s" XD ♥♥ and that gif of kyungie dancing...zico laughing his off in the background X3