Things are going downhill...

I haven't really updated on what's going on with the guy I like, I guess it's because I don't want to spam anyone mainly :L

Last Saturday he was giving me really short replies whenever I'd message him, and it really discouraged me so I stopped replying completely. He didn't message me again and we didn't have school until the following thursday. I didn't see him on thursday really but on Friday after school I was waiting by the front doors of school for my brother and Sungjae walked past me, I tried to make myself disappear behind the crowd of people I was with but he still saw me somehow, and he surprised me by smiling at me and saying hi before carrying on towards his friends.

Today was a completely different story though, everyting was fine until lunch. I was with another Korean friend of mine and he's friends with Sungjae, we were just sitting in the library with a bunch of his friends and talking. Then I got a funny message so I showed my friend but instead of him handing my phone back to me, he passed it to another friend of his who decided he was going to use my kakaotalk to text one of Sungjae's best friends. He thought it would be funny to tell him that I have a crush on him (not Sungjae, his friend) and he happened to be on the other side of the library with Sungjae at that moment.

As soon as he got the message, he showed Sungjae and they were both looking over at me and my friends. I was so embarrassed and it really upset me because I felt like it made me look stupid, because I rarely even talk to Sungjae's friend and then he got that text from 'me'. I sent another message saying it wasn't me and he believes it but I felt like an idiot, and it didn't help that he told my friend that he 'doesn't even think I'm pretty'. Sungjae and his friend haven't said anything to me since and I really don't want to see him tomorrow in case he says anything, and I really feel like this might ruin my chance with him.

Sorry for the rant but I walked home from school almost in tears and I needed to vent this somewhere :/


TL DR; My friend sent a text from my phone telling Sungjae's best friend that I like him (not Sungjae) when he was standing right next to him and now I feel like an idiot and probably don't even have a chance with him now.


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Aww, it's okay sweety, maybe he's not the right one for you, or it's just the beginning;) Cheer up:) in the end we all pull through hardships in life, you'll pull through this one:D good luck!