If any of you have ever dealt with self-negativity or insecurity, today is the day that ends because YOU are BEAUTIFUL!

Today is D1 of my Operation BEAUTIFUL project. After winning a long war of self-hate and insecurity, I've realized that this issue goes so far beyond myself. Millions of girls around the world-- most likely billions of girls-- are fighting the battle everyday with their own eyes and their own mirrors. Their ears are filled with negativity, their eyes are blinded by the wordly image of beauty, and their mouths are full of wishes to be pretty. Well, I'm here to tell you that you are the most precious thing on this earth. God made you who you are for a reason. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are destined for greatness. And there is NOTHING that ANYONE can ever say about you that will make you less than what God has called you to be.

those girls on television. those girls in the magazines. The world's ideal woman is that girl that you see in the mirror. Your imperfections are perfect. Your curves are beautiful. Your smile is what makes the sun rise in the morning. So stop looking for flaws, because there are NONE.

I want you to stop all that 'fat talk' and all that 'ugly talk'. Stand up today and say NO to the enemy, because everything they've told you that you are is a LIE. 

My wide nose is beautiful. My dark skin is lovely. My long legs and my long arms are unique. My height makes me pretty. My loud voice makes people notice me. My name is Devin Simone H. and I AM BEAUTIFUL.


A/N: Tomorrow, a friend and I are going to the principal in hopes of bring Operation BEAUTIFUL to my school. We plan on making stick notes (over 1,000) covered in inspirational words and post them around our school. I encourage you to do something similar: Leave a short note someplace public anonymously telling a person that they are beautiful and that they are worth it. It may mean nothing to you, but I promise your small note can make someone's day. 

Leave your name and let me know that YOU'RE beautiful and that you're worth it. The problem with teens today is that we are conflicted when we are told to say things about us that are good. Tell me why you're worth it. Become a living example of Operation BEAUTIFUL!

To start your own Operation BEAUTIFUL and to bring it to your school, find more information at http://www.operationbeautiful.com/ :)


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DEVIN <33333333333333333333333
;A; DEVIN. <3

I should do this at my school *^*